Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Select, develop, and use standard notation or audio/video recording to document melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for drafts of simple melodies (such as two phrase) and chordal accompaniments for given melodies.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Musicians' creative choices are influenced by their expertise, context, and expressive intent.
EQ: How do musicians make creative decisions?

Skills Examples

  • Perform two to three pieces in contrasting styles (level comparable to Hal Leonard Piano Lessons Book A and B, Magrath Masterwork Classics Levels 1-2, American Popular Piano Repertoire Books 1 and 2, etc.).
  • Guitar: Perform solo, accompanied, or in ensemble.
  • Piano: appropriate level scales and arpeggiated chords (comparable to AMTA requirements to Level I, by age level, on p. 11
  • Compose a simple melody of at least eight measures.
  • Harmonize the melody using primary chords I IV V or V7 and/or vi.
Reading/ Writing
  • Notate a simple self-composed melody using notational software.
  • Sight read an appropriate piece selected by the teacher.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Analyze and grade various performances (other students in class, YouTube videos, a video of your own performance, etc.) using a rubric.


  • Beat (steady beat, rit., accel., fermata)
  • Meter (2/4, 3/4, 4/4, barline, pickup measure)
  • Notes and rests (quarter, half, dotted half, whole)
  • Tempo (metronome markings = beats per minute; basic Italian and English terms, e.g., slow, fast, allegro, andante, largo)
  • Other (ties)
  • Scales (pentatonic, major, natural minor)
  • Intervals (half step, whole step; second, third, fourth, fifth, octave)
  • Staff notation (treble and bass clefs, grand staff, lines, spaces, ledger lines, treble G, bass F, sharps, flats, key signatures)
  • Melodic figures (step/leap, arpeggio, phrase)
  • Intervals (half step, whole step; second, third, fourth, fifth, octave; also, M3, m3)
  • Triads (root, third, fifth; major and minor qualities)
  • Function (tonic, dominant)
  • I-IV-V7-I cadences
  • Form (phrase, ostinato)
  • Texture (melody, bassline, accompaniment)
  • Notation (phrase mark, double bar, repeat sign)
  • Dynamics (soft/loud, p, mf, f)
  • Articulation (staccato, legato)
  • Historical significance of instrument
  • Posture, hand position, finger numbers, basic playing techniques

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.