Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Identify and describe the effect of interest, experience, analysis, and context on the evaluation of music.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: The personal evaluation of musical works and performances is informed by analysis, interpretation, and established criteria.
EQ: How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and performance(s)?

Skills Examples

  • Perform, with good posture and breath control, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures at a level that includes modest ranges with appropriate dynamics and tempo.
  • Demonstrate and describe proper ensemble techniques including balance, blend, dynamics and correct vowel production.
  • Demonstrate the use of dynamics, tempo, meter and tonality through active listening.
  • Identify various careers for musicians.
Reading/ Writing
  • Read and notate simple melodies in treble and bass clef.
  • Read and notate simple rhythm patterns of 2-4 measures in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and 6/8.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Compare and contrast a variety of live and recorded performances using appropriate terminology.
  • Describe the function of the diaphragm as it relates to singing.
  • Evaluate performances of self and others to determine accuracy of pitch, rhythm, and clarity of diction.

  • Demonstrate how musical elements communicate meaning and emotion by playing, singing, or moving to music.
  • Recognize the use of music for various purposes by performers and listeners in a variety of cultures.
  • Identify same and different (fast/slow, loud/soft, high/low, long/short).
  • Listen to and explore the music of various styles, composers, periods, and cultures.
  • Identify a musician and his or her roles (composer, conductor, performer).
  • Identify elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary.
  • Explore selected musical instruments aurally and visually.
  • Attend live music performances.
Reading/ Writing
  • Discuss and write about observations of voices and instruments heard in performances.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Explain how music is used for a variety of purposes and occasions.
  • Discuss how music communicates feelings, moods, images, and meaning.
  • Share ideas about musical selections of various and contrasting styles, composers and musical periods.


  • Measure
  • Bar line
  • Time signature
  • Simple meter
  • Common time
  • 2/4 time
  • Whole note/ rest
  • Half note/ rest
  • Quarter note/ rest
  • Eighth note/ rest
  • Tempo
  • Head voice/ chest voice
  • Staff
  • Clef (treble and bass)
  • Major key signature
  • Diatonic major scale
  • Tonic major arpeggio
  • Pitch
  • Stepwise motion
  • Skip motion
  • Unison
  • 2-part singing
  • Vocal ostinati
  • Imitative harmony (canon, etc.)
  • Phrase
  • Verse
  • Chorus
  • Section
  • AB
  • ABA
  • Repeat sign
  • Balance/ blend
  • Phrasing
  • Dynamics: pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, fortissimo, crescendo, decrescendo, diminuendo
  • Uniform vowels
  • Fermata
  • Sharps
  • Flats
  • Naturals
  • Diction
  • Posture
  • Performance etiquette
  • Correct breathing

  • Beat
  • Tempo
    • Adagio
    • Andante
    • Moderato
  • Counting System
  • Simple Meter
  • Time Signature
    • 4/4
    • Common
    • 2/4
    • 3/4
  • Barline
  • Measure/ Bar
  • Whole Note & Rest
  • Half Note & Rest
  • Quarter Note & Rest
  • Eighth Note & Rest
  • Dotted Half Note
  • Tie
  • Pick-up Note
  • Rudiment
  • Staff
  • Clef
    • Treble
    • Bass
    • Alto
  • Key Signature
  • Sharp
  • Flat
  • Natural
  • Accidental
  • Pitch
  • Range
  • Register
  • Middle Register
  • Tonality
  • Major
  • Diatonic
  • Chromatic
  • Scale
  • Arpeggio
  • Half-Step
  • Whole-Step
  • Stepwise Motion
  • Intervals
  • Unison
  • Solo
  • Duet
  • Tutti
  • Chord
  • Progression
  • Phrase
  • Repeats/ Repeat Sign
  • Double Bar Line
  • Dynamic
    • Piano
    • Mezzo Piano
    • Mezzo Forte
    • Forte
  • Articulation
    • Tonguing
    • Slurring
    • Accent
    • Legato
    • Staccato
    • Detaché
    • Pizzicato
  • Breath Mark
  • Posture
  • Instrument Carriage
  • Instrument Assembly
  • Instrument Maintenance
  • Embouchure
  • Grip
  • Characteristic Tone Quality
  • Tone Color
  • Range
  • Timbre
  • Breathing
  • Support
  • Sustain
  • Release
  • Intonation
  • Balance
  • Blend
  • Sight-reading
  • Transpose
  • Compose
  • Arrange
  • Improvise
  • Audience Etiquette
  • Performer Etiquette

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.