Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EU: Musicians connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing, and responding.
EQ: How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?
EQ: How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?
Skills Examples
- Perform an early American verse/refrain song such as "Frog Went a-Courtin'."
- Create an accompaniment to a spiritual such as "Follow the Drinking Gourd" that aurally illustrates the mood and setting of the song.
- Identify expressive markings (such as crescendo and decrescendo), and describe how they are used in a piece of programmatic music, such as "In the Hall of the Mountain King."
- Identify aural indicators of storyline progression in a programmatic piece of music such as The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
- Eighth note, eighth rest, half note, half rest, whole note, whole rest
- Strong/ weak beat — 2/4; 3/4 meter
- Accelerando/ ritardando
- Pitch Set: Do, Re, Mi, So, La
- Five-line staff
- Treble clef
- Names of lines/ spaces (treble staff)
- Melodic ostinati
- Partner songs
- AAB, AABA, Rondo
- Verse/ Refrain
- Orchestral instrument families
- Piano (p), forte (f)
- Crescendo/ decrescendo
- Orchestral Music: programmatic
- Indigenous music: Native American
- American music: slave songs, colonial folk songs
- Age-appropriate pitch matching (B3-D5)1
- Mallet/ drumming technique: alternating hands
Anchor Standards
Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.