Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


Implement production processes to integrate content and stylistic conventions for determined meaning in media arts productions, demonstrating understanding of associated principles.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: The forming, integration, and refinement of aesthetic components, principles and processes creates purpose, meaning and artistic quality in media artwork.
EQ: What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality? How do media artists improve/refine their work?

Skills Examples

  • List unusual ideas generated through experimenting with combining standard ideas for a media arts product. Choose one idea to develop based on identified artistic goals and justify the choice. Use improvisation develop a script/ storyboard for production.
  • In a group, apply given criteria for intent, resources, and context to critique the entire idea-to-presentation process of the group's media arts product proposal.
  • Outline a plan for a media arts product that serves as a PSA for a community organization, choosing stylistic conventions that support unity and theme.
  • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product to purpose and audience for a different setting. Meet and explain choices in modifications.


  • Experimentation
  • Roles
  • Jobs
  • Delegation
  • Beauty
Design process
Stylistic conventions
  • Theme
  • Unity

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.