Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Dance


Expand personal dance literacy by developing an understanding of how movement characteristics, techniques, and artistic criteria are influenced by the peoples from which dance originates.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Dance literacy includes deep knowledge and perspectives about societal, cultural, historical, and community contexts.
EQ: How does knowing about societal, cultural, historical and community experiences expand dance literacy?

Skills Examples

  • Examine and justify the impact of dance on choices throughout life, such as choices related to college, performance, and design (including technical choices).
  • Apply one's understanding of how dance-related knowledge, skills, and work habits are vital and transferable to the world of work, including careers in dance, such as by
    • Examining the safety habits, skills, standards, and expectations used in dance and needed for success in the workplace.
    • Researching careers in dance and practicing appropriate work habits and skills.
    • Implementing a plan to meet deadlines and complete work.
  • Create presentations (for senior projects, e-folios, websites, and IB and AP portfolios) that use the connections among the arts and between the arts and other disciplines, life, cultures, and work.
  • Assess how personal choices relating to plagiarism and copyright infringement impact artists and the dance profession.
  • Critique dances, such as Errand into the Maze and Rite of Spring.
  • Create a dance informed by Bob Fosse's work.
  • Dance—High School Advanced 100.
  • Examine Martha Graham's Frontier in relation to the American landscape and westward movement.
  • Evaluate the relationships between the rise of swing dance, big band music, the Harlem Renaissance, and World War II.
  • Reflect upon the impact that modern technology has had on dance as an art form by considering what one has seen on the Internet and TV.


  • intentional movement
  • aesthetic
  • cultural values
  • styles
  • Elements of Dance
  • Convey meaning
  • multiple perspectives
  • personal, peer, and cultural values to justify

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.