Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Dance


Explain why movement choices from dances of specific genres, styles, or cultures are appropriate in a specific dance.

COS Examples

Example: Explain why facial expressions are essential in Indian Classical dance.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Criteria for evaluating dance vary across genres, styles, and cultures.
EQ: What criteria are used to evaluate dance?

Skills Examples

  • View a recorded dance work and identify patterns of movement and hypothesis the choreographer's intent.
  • View the rooftop dance in Mary Poppins and discuss how the repeated movements create style.
  • Compare the different modern dance techniques such as Martha Graham and Isadora Duncan.
  • List the differences ballet adagio and ballet allegro.
  • List the differences in two styles of hip-hop dance.
  • Select a section of a popular children's book, create a short dance phrase that tells the story of the section and explain how the movements helps the audience understand the story.
  • Explain why facial expressions are essential in Indian Classical dance.
  • Discuss how in some African dance movements relate to physical labor.
  • Explore and discuss ballet pantomime gestures.


  • Identify patterns of movement illustrating style or intent.
  • Genre
  • Style
  • Cultural Movement Practices

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.