Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 7 - 7th Grade: Geography


Illustrate how primary, secondary, and tertiary economic activities have specific functions and spatial patterns.

COS Examples

Examples: primary–forestry, agriculture, mining

secondary–manufacturing furniture, grinding coffee beans, assembling automobiles

tertiary–selling furniture, selling caffé latte, selling automobiles

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The nature, characteristics and spatial expressions of three broad categories of economic activities.
    • primary—forestry, agriculture, mining
    • secondary—manufacturing furniture, grinding coffee, beans, assembling automobiles
    • tertiary— selling furniture, selling café latte, selling automobiles
  • Economic activities create spatial patterns and the type and degree often reveal the developmental nature of the geographic area.
  • Reasons for trade between regions.
  • Definition and examples of globalization and the effects of increased globalization.


Students are able to:
  • Evaluate the properties of primary, secondary and tertiary economic activities.
  • Compare locations of economic activities.
  • Evaluate benefits and drawbacks of trade agreements.


Students understand that:
  • Primary, secondary, and tertiary economic activities have specific functions and spatial patterns.


  • primary economic activities
  • secondary economic activities
  • tertiary economic activities
  • economic interdependence
  • globalization
  • trade agreements