World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Compare products, practices and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture in a variety of time frames.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • the target language Vocabualry for specific purposes.
  • verb conjugations in a variety of tenses.
  • how to identify the products, practices and perspectives of target and native cultures.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • compare and contrast daily life activities in the target and native cultures, such as schooling, working, freetime activities, and daily routines.
  • compare and contrast holiday celebrations and traditions in the target and native cultures.
  • identify games, fairy tales, songs, and rhymes from the target culture and compare them with those of the native culture.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • use the target langauge to identify and compare the products, practices and perspectives of the target culture.
  • use target langauge to compare activities and events of the target culture and native culture.
  • use target langauge to compare the practices of target and native culture.
  • identify games, fairy tales, songs, and rhymes from the target culture and compare them with those of the native culture.


Students understand that:
  • custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures.
  • by studying another culture, one can better understand and appreciate their own.
  • other understanding will depend on theme being taught.