Unpacked Content
Scientific and Engineering Practices
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Crosscutting Concepts
Cause and Effect
Students know:
- The color code for the resistance of resistors.
- The basic principles of static electricity.
- How to construct electrical circuits.
- Several different components can be used to build an electrical circuit.
Students are able to:
- Design and use models.
- Develop an appropriate experimental procedure.
- Create a data sheet.
- Collect and organize experimental data.
- Follow written and verbal instructions.
- Make measurements using standard units.
- Effectively manipulate laboratory equipment.
- Work safely in collaborative lab groups.
- Manipulate equations.
- Interpret graphical data.
- Solve mathematical equations.
- Use a multimeter.
Students understand that:
- Circuits are complete pathways through which current will flow predictably and will provide energy to the connected component(s).
- Circuits may be simple or complex.
- ammeter
- voltmeter
- series
- parallel
- model
- Kirchhoff's laws
- Ohm's law
- resistance
- current
- electric potential
- multimeter
- positive
- negative
- electrical components
- circuit
- voltage source
- conductors
- resistor color code
- circuit diagram
- heat
- charge
- static electricity