CTE08.AV.ATP.1 Apply safety skills in television production field locations, classrooms, and studios.
CTE08.AV.ATP.3 Utilize public relations skills in special program and project settings in television production.
CTE08.AV.ATP.4 Apply specialized skills to perform television roles in writing, producing, performing, photographing, editing, and studio operations.
CTE08.AV.ATP.6 Design creative television and film productions, including short films and special presentations.
CTE08.AV.ATP.7 Assemble a portfolio of professional quality video work, including a statement of purpose for a career in television production.
CTE08.AV.ATP.7a Demonstrating advanced skills in one or more career specializations of photography, editing, writing, producing, performance, or studio operations
CTE08.AV.IAD.1 Identify rules, regulations, employability skills, and their purposes related to the advertising design program.
CTE08.AV.IAD.1a Describing professional relationships with coworkers and employers in advertising design
CTE08.AV.IAD.2 Identify personal and laboratory safety rules, regulations, and procedures for fire, electrical tools, and equipment in advertising design.
CTE08.AV.IAD.3b Applying decision-making techniques to advertising design, including thumbnails, rough drafts, and comprehensives
CTE08.AV.IAD.4 Use basic mathematics, writing, and science skills in advertising designs for scaling, page composition, media properties, and material costs.
CTE08.AV.IAD.6 Apply color psychology and basic methods of digital color management to advertising design.
CTE08.AV.IAD.7 Identify the role of color in marketing and branding through advertising design projects.
CTE08.AV.IAD.8a Identifying characteristics and purposes of a variety of historical and cultural works of art
CTE08.AV.IAD.8b Describing the function and meaning of specific advertising media from a variety of cultures, times, and places