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Course: Mobile Application Development


Collaborate with peers, experts, or community members to analyze local, national, and global issues and problems in developing mobile applications.

COS Examples

Examples: competitive and overcrowded markets, OS and Mobile Device, software architecture pattern

Course: Mobile Application Development


Create interactive data visualizations using software tools to bring attention to and help others understand real-world phenomena and to improve human outcomes related to the phenomena.

COS Examples

Examples: weather patterns, natural disasters, radar trackers, traffic patterns, store inventory, medical diagnoses, packaging, customer service, fitness data

Course: Mobile Application Development


Create an algorithm or sequence of steps to simplify daily life procedures at home or at the office.

COS Examples

Examples: deciding what to wear, meal planning, creating or organizing recipes, time management, creating and organizing charts, inventory, customer feedback collection, data analysis

Course: Mobile Application Development


Evaluate mobile app scalability and the reliability of mobile networks and protocols, including ability to manage a large and increasing number of clients, customers, and users and accommodate overall growth; ease of app maintenance; measures to prevent gridlock; offline reliability; speed; and end result.

Course: Mobile Application Development


Analyze advantages, disadvantages, and features of various cybersecurity programs, and determine which situations are best suited for each.

COS Examples

Examples: two-factor authentication, password requirements, geolocation requirements, antivirus programs, monitored internet access

Course: Mobile Application Development


Evaluate and explore possible improvements in different environments, situations, and simulations.

COS Examples

Examples: product development, business operations, customer service, flawed modeling/debugging, science lab, robotics lab, manufacturing, space exploration