Ethical Practices
Ethical Practices
Ethical Practices
Identify potential abuses and unethical uses of computers and/or networks.
Research and discuss legal issues and the terms of use related to copyright laws, fair use laws, and ethics pertaining to the downloading and personal use of elements including images, photographs, documents, video, sounds, music, and trademarks.
Describe ethical and legal practices for securing the confidentiality of business-related information.
Object-Oriented Program Design
Create an effective graphical representation of logic using Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams.
Explain the advanced functions of the integrated development environment (IDE).
Examples: interpreting IDE feedback and errors, debugging the code for all type errors
Explain the higher-order functions of object-oriented programming, including encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and instantiation.
Describe a program’s general use and purpose in the program documentation so the end user can execute the product successfully.
Identify all objects that need to be called and their functions in a computer program.
Describe the functions of different objects and their purposes in a program.
Object-Oriented Data Manipulation
Describe the purpose and function of various types of arrays.
Examples: single, multidimensional
Construct and evaluate arithmetic expressions in a program or class.
Examples: arithmetic operators, assignment, compound assignment operators, operator precedence
Explain the purpose and function of a data structure as it relates to object-oriented programming.
Examples: array, linked list, stack, queue, binary tree, binary search tree, heap, hashing, graph
Construct and evaluate code that creates, iterates, and manipulates arrays and array lists.
Examples: one- and two-dimensional arrays, including initialization, null, size, iterating elements, accessing elements; adding and removing array list elements, traversing the list
Construct and evaluate code that performs parsing, casting, and conversion.
Examples: cast between primitive data types, convert primitive types to equivalent object types, parse strings to numbers, convert primitive data types to strings
Create an external file for data storage and manipulation through a program.
Differentiate among types of sorting algorithms.
Examples: linear, bubble, selection, insert, binary
Object-Oriented Practical Programming
Construct a program that uses appropriate sorting algorithms.
Examples: binary sort, bubble sort, merge sort, selection sort
Write a program using advanced programming features.
Examples: multiple windows, splash screens, menus, dialogs
Write a program that integrates multiple external applications, including spreadsheets, databases, and word processing documents.
Create an advanced macro for applications software.
Describe the purpose and function of web controls.
Create a web application that includes input validation.
Create an interactive program which gathers input from the user and provides appropriate output and feedback based on the user’s input.
Describe decision structures and how they control the flow of a program.
Describe the conversion to and from ASCII and Unicode using hexadecimal and binary number systems.
Declare, implement, and access data members in classes.
Examples: private, public, protected; instance data members; static data members; use static final to create constants; describe encapsulation
Instantiate and use class objects in programs.
Examples: initialization, null, access and modify data members, access methods, access and modify static members, import packages and classes
Debug a program for errors.
Examples: run-time, exception, logic, semantic, try/catch/finally, exception class, exception class types, display exception information
Programming Design and Development
Foundational Standards
Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.