Operations and Management
Operations and Management
Operations and Management
Develop a marketing plan and sales promotion tool for hospitality and tourism.
Compare and contrast marketing concepts, advertising, and public relations.
Summarize the marketing mix, including the five P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People) and the four C’s (Client, Cost, Communication, Convenience).
Identify and describe the steps of a marketing plan.
Prepare a marketing budget.
Gather and share information concerning effective strategies for reaching various niche markets in the hospitality and tourism industry, including corporate, educational, sports, religious, and military groups.
Analyze sales strategies available for use in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Investigate the role of convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs) in large cities, and trends in the development of CVBs in smaller towns, neighborhoods, and other areas.
Compare and contrast the respective needs and wants of business and leisure travelers.
Identify features and benefits of hotel and airline offerings for both leisure and business travelers.
Demonstrate management skills needed to succeed in hospitality and tourism.
Identify opportunities for leadership within the hospitality and tourism industry and describe how one might prepare for these positions.
Compare and contrast styles of leadership and management and explain the importance of varying those styles in response to organization and employee needs.
Research and explain the use of an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in planning professional learning for employees.
Research and share information regarding the importance of cost-effective operations in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Analyze effects of seasonality and generate ideas to offset seasonality in hospitality and tourism operations.
Explain the importance of negotiating contracts and working within a budget for a department or an organization.
Explain the importance of cost control in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Identify the tax responsibilities managed by hospitality and tourism leaders.
Customer and Human Resource Management
Describe the necessity for strong customer service skills and explain the importance of guest services in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Describe skills, traits, and behaviors needed to offer top-quality guest services and build positive relationships with customers and clients.
Demonstrate proper workplace etiquette for listening, speaking, and writing.
Explain how social media are used in tourism and hospitality and the importance of providing timely responses to guests’ feedback.
Identify and describe the essential functions of human resources in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Explain the importance of recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining high-quality employees in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Deal effectively and ethically with workplace issues.
Examples: maintaining confidentiality with business matters, performing job functions
Demonstrate the ability to use problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking strategies when dealing with customer service, co-workers, and vendors.
Examples: resolving complaints or disputes, negotiations
Identify techniques and strategies to build an effective sales team.
Explain the principles and components of supply and demand in relation to the hospitality and tourism industry.
Identify effective sales techniques.
Examples: steps in sales process, cross-selling, upselling, alternative options
Explain how customers’ needs and perceptions of the hospitality and tourism industry affect their choices.
Outline an effective sales presentation, including a feature-benefit analysis and plans for promoting products and services through a variety of channels.
Explain the importance of promoting products and services using publicity, public relations, community events, advertising, and the Internet.