Discuss the components of the promotional mix, including direct marketing and digital marketing.
Discuss the components of the promotional mix, including direct marketing and digital marketing.
Discuss the components of the promotional mix, including direct marketing and digital marketing.
Explain the importance of coordinating elements in advertisements.
Outline a promotional plan for a proposed product or service.
Identify and explain selling strategies.
Describe how technology is used in the selling function.
Analyze the effectiveness of a company’s unique selling proposition.
Explain the role of sales forecasting and planning.
Demonstrate sales techniques.
Identify the ethical, social, and environmental responsibilities of businesses in relation to employees, customers, and the community.
Describe the social obligations of a business.
Discuss ethical behavior and ethical issues in business.
Describe safety procedures and health procedures used in business operations.
Identify environmental concerns and issues related to the operation of a business.
Foundations of Business Leadership
Foundational Standards
Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.
Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate job-seeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.
Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
Discuss and demonstrate ways to value diversity.
Introduction to Leadership
Describe characteristics and behaviors of a successful leader.
Examples: integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, openness, awareness, vision, imagination, responsibility
Compare and contrast various leadership styles, including their effects on colleagues and organizations.
Examples: authoritative, autocratic, bureaucratic, coach-style, democratic, laissez-faire, participative, strategic, transactional, transformational
Describe how various leadership styles fit into an organization.
Explain how effective, qualified leadership contributes to the success of organizations.
Identify and describe the roles of individuals at various levels of management.
Examples: entry level managers, middle management, upper level management, administrators, executives, superintendents
Explain how the functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling, affect the work environment.
Explain the importance of having a clear vision, creating a mission statement, and establishing goals for an organization.
Explain how stakeholders’ expectations and other factors can influence the vision, mission, and goals of an organization.
Explain how to communicate vision, mission, and goals to the organization’s stakeholders.
Identify and describe steps involved in leading an organization to fulfill its stated mission.
Explain the concept of time management and the importance of using effective time management techniques.