CTE08.ET.EL.5 Determine instructional resources and technology used for meeting organizational and instructional goals.
CTE08.HUM.CA.2 Create original works of art using reflective ideas, personal experiences, and imaginary content.
CTE08.ET.PCDA1.D CDA Subject Area Six (Maintaining a Commitment to Professionalism): Functional Area Thirteen -- Professionalism
CTE08.HUM.ECP.17e Describe the technical-skill requirements for careers of personal interest in each career pathway program within the Human Services Cluster.
CTE08.HUM.FSC1.2a Describing characteristics of clients in need of assistance from family and human services
CTE08.AV.AC.1 Apply laboratory safety rules, regulations, and procedures for character development and design.
CTE08.HS.NAT.2d Recognizing abnormal changes in elderly body functions and demonstrating steps for reporting findings
CTE08.HUM.COS1.3 Communicate to clients the names of agencies that provide services and protection for consumers.
CTE08.HS.EPP.10b Discuss the safety standards and legal concerns of performance enhancing substances and dietary supplements.
CTE08.HUM.CD.10b Summarizing the importance of nutrition, hygiene, exercise, and sleep during adolescence
CTE08.HUM.ID2.1 Determine functions of an interior designer in the planning, design, and execution of residential and commercial space.
CTE08.AV.FAAV.8 Determine factors to be considered in developing an effective career plan and procedures for obtaining employment in the communications industries.
CTE08.ET.PCDA3.A CDA Subject Area Two (Advancing Children's Physical and Intellectual Development): Functional Area Four -- Physical