Discuss the Internet as a marketing tool.
Discuss the Internet as a marketing tool.
Discuss the Internet as a marketing tool.
Define the Internet and industry-related terms and describe the services the Internet provides.
Identify advantages and disadvantages of marketing on the Internet.
Examples: cost, accessibility
Discuss the history of Internet marketing and emerging trends in the field.
Define and utilize terminology associated with Internet security and tools used in website and application development.
Discuss security issues and protections.
Examples: hacking, viruses; firewalls
Select and utilize search engines most suited for meeting marketing needs.
Discuss the criteria for selecting an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or web hosting service.
Examples: bandwidth, host capabilities, cost
Summarize the process and issues related to securing a domain name, copyright, and registered trademark.
Demonstrate the uses of technology in marketing.
Explain the importance and uses of computers, mobile devices, and the Internet in marketing.
Utilize computer software, including word processing and spreadsheets, to create documents related to a particular career or industry.
Identify technology appropriate for marketing functions and practices related to a selected marketing career field.
Select and use a variety of electronic media to create, revise, and verify information.
Examples: Internet, information services, desktop publishing programs
Compare and contrast popular current social media platforms, explaining the role each one plays in marketing products and services.
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of social media in marketing.
Describe the typical users of the most popular social media platforms.
Describe usage trends for each social media platform.
Explain the utilization of both on-device and web-based applications and their impact on consumer behavior.
Describe the benefits of using mobile apps to interact with customers.
Describe the pre-launch of roll-out marketing involved with the launch of an application.
Explain the importance of marketing within the publication of an app to ensure utilization.
Describe various post-launch activities and app metrics.
Selling and Promotion
Utilize various forms of online advertising and promotion.
Evaluate the graphics, placement, and effectiveness of digital advertisements.
Analyze and create digital display advertisements.
Examples: static images, text ads, banners, floating banners, wallpaper, pop-up ads, video/autoplay
Analyze and create social media advertisements for both paid and organic applications.
Describe the purpose of a promotional video and determine where and how it can be utilized to optimize exposure.
Identify and define both negative and positive keywords for ads in order to optimize when ads should appear.
Career Opportunities
Gather and share information about current and trending employment opportunities in digital marketing and data analytics.
Explain the importance of personal online presence and personal brand.
Introduction to Real Estate Sales
Foundational Standards