Gather and share information on branding and brand positioning techniques and strategies.
Gather and share information on branding and brand positioning techniques and strategies.
Gather and share information on branding and brand positioning techniques and strategies.
Gather and share information on branding as it relates to a business and its influence on consumers.
Explain the concepts of brand equity, brand values, and experiential branding.
Describe the characteristics of good branding strategies and their impact on creating or improving brand equity or brand image.
Explain pertinent issues regarding digital citizenship and ethics.
Identify the differences between unsolicited commercial messages and opt-in email.
Discuss the political, ethical, and legal issues of using the Internet for marketing.
Define and discuss netiquette.
Explain how Internet demographic data collection tools are used in marketing.
Examples: commerce, relationships, gathering personal research, validity of data
Market Planning
Explain how firms use marketing segmentation to identify and test target markets.
Explain types of marketing segmentation, including behavioristic, psychographic, demographic, geographic, and social graphics.
Analyze the influence of various cultures on global Internet marketing trends.
Develop a potential customer database.
Business Basics
Explain the importance of content creation in digital marketing.
Define content marketing and explain its role in digital marketing.
Contrast paid, owned, and earned content and explain content distribution strategies and platforms.
Discuss types of content currently in use.
Examples: email, pop-up advertisements, social media, video, infographics, list, podcast, story, how-to guide, ebook, image, newsletter, blog, user-generated, website, interactive games, quizzes, polls
Compare the effectiveness of creating content and using trending content and hashtags.
Explain how content goes viral“ and list factors that help content to spread.“
Create and audit content on digital platforms.
Develop marketing content for a website, social media, or other digital platform.
Conduct an audit of content on a website or digital marketing platform using performance metrics to determine which content should be kept, improved, or removed.
Describe the ways social media are used for promotion, engagement of customers, customer service, brand building, item research, and sales.
Explain how social media communities can be used for market research.
Examples: sharing, survey, customer interaction, product recommendations
Explain how social media provide brand influence, visibility, and promotion.
Describe ways that social media drive traffic for advertising revenue.
Marketing Technology
Analyze and report on trends in online and mobile commerce.
Explain the uses of mobile devices for e-commerce marketing.
Explain the use of databases for e-commerce marketing.
Assess current e-commerce product marketing tools.
Select the best Internet marketing method(s) for a selected product or service.