Explain the importance of drafting design technology in today’s technological workplace.
Demonstrate the safe handling of drafting design tools according to classroom and environmental best practices, procedures, and regulations.
Applied Mathematics for Drafting
Demonstrate mathematical skills related to drafting design, including fractions, scale reading, and conversions of customary to metric and metric to customary measurements.
Utilize mathematics to solve drafting problems.
Example: calculating thread depth and pitch
Drafting Instruments and Techniques
Demonstrate the use of drawing media and drafting instruments, utilizing computer software for drafting applications.
Reproduce drafting originals.
Examples: printing, plotting/blueprinting, scanning
Lettering and Drawing Techniques
Demonstrate drafting techniques for freehand sketching, lettering, geometric figures, and the alphabet of lines.
Multiview Drawing
Construct basic multiview, two-dimensional drawings, including visualizing principal views, creating third-angle projections, selecting proper drawing scale, and organizing layout of primary views.
Basic Dimensioning
Apply dimensions and notes to multiview drawings, utilizing the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) dimensioning standards and decimal, metric, or dual dimensioning.
Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Drafting
Utilize CAD software to generate multiview drawings using appropriate file management techniques, basic drawing commands, and basic dimensioning techniques.
Examples: create, set up, and save files; line, ellipse, circle, and scale; linear and angular
Intermediate Drafting Design
Foundational Standards
Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces..
Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate job-seeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.
Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
Section Views
Demonstrate the proper use of sectional view concepts to create a full section, half section, broken-out section, offset section, revolved section, and a removed section, utilizing cutting planes and applying section lining.
Auxiliary Views
Create drawings of inclined surfaces, constructing primary auxiliary views.
Threads and Fasteners
Create drawings illustrating detailed, schematic, and simplified thread representation, identifying common thread terms.
Pictorial Views
Utilize pictorial concepts to produce an isometric drawing, identifying obliques, trimetric, and diametric views.
Apply dimensions, notes, and other relevant information to an isometric drafting design project, utilizing American National Standards Institute (ANSI) dimensioning standards.