Illustrate various parts of the flower and discuss the importance of each.
Illustrate various parts of the flower and discuss the importance of each.
Illustrate various parts of the flower and discuss the importance of each.
Floral Propagation
Demonstrate propagation of common flowering and foliage plants through sexual and asexual means.
Floral Growth Requirements
Assess environmental and cultural factors that affect growth of plants in the floriculture industry.
Describe the roles sunlight, water, pH, and carbon dioxide play in flower growth and development.
Assess different types of growing media used in the floriculture industry.
Identify various plant nutrients that specifically affect flower growth and development.
Compare and contrast different growing environments and indicate how each setting affects floral growth.
Examples: greenhouse, high tunnel, field
Floral Identification
Identify various species of flowering and foliage plants and describe how they are commonly used in the floriculture industry.
Differentiate between annual and perennial flowering and foliage plan
Pest Management
Identify common pests that affect the floriculture industry.
Compare and contrast a variety of methods to control insects and diseases in flowers, noting the advantages, disadvantages, and environmental effects of each method.
Handling Procedures
Demonstrate techniques for conditioning and maintaining flowers and other floral design materials.
Examples: preservatives, refrigeration; deadheading
Identify tools employed in the floriculture industry and demonstrate their proper use.
Elements of Design
Discuss the principles of balance, proportion and scale, focal point, emphasis, rhythm, harmony, and unity in creating a design.
Describe the incorporation of the design elements of line, form, and texture within a floral design.
Use the color wheel to create color schemes in floral designs.
Design Mechanics
Identify and create various forms of floral products.
Examples: boutonnieres, corsages, wreaths, potted plants; circular and triangular forms
Compare and contrast various floral construction techniques and materials.
Examples: wiring and taping, use of bows, floral foam, and adhesives.
Design and create floral arrangements using proper techniques to illustrate each design principle.
Business Operations
Compare and contrast retail and wholesale floral practices.
Explain pricing criteria used in the floral industry.
Prepare plants and merchandise for marketing.
Demonstrate different types of sales transactions.
Examples: computer/cash register, charge card, telephone order, floor sales, e-commerce
Research and share information regarding domestic and foreign sources of commonly-used flowers and plants.
Gather and communicate information about managerial skills required for operating a successful floral business.
Examples: scheduling, handling customer complaints, keeping records, inventorying, ordering, invoicing, budgeting, advertising, relating to employees, partnering, communicating orally and in writing.
Food Safety and Microbiology
Foundational Standards