Selection and Conformation
Selection and Conformation
Selection and Conformation
Identify various breeds, types, and classes of equine animals.
Identify common structural problems found in equine animals.
Explain factors to be considered in selecting horses for particular uses.
Use tooth eruptions and wear to estimate age of equine animals.
Describe factors to consider in judging equine halter and performance classes using guidelines from a Career Development Event (CDE)
Facilities and Tack
Assess types and features of barns and other equine facilities.
Identify tack and equipment used in the equine industry and indicate proper usage of each item using guidelines from a CDE.
Example: Alabama FFA Horse Judging CDE booklet
Demonstrate the proper use of tack and equipment for showing, working, and pleasure riding.
Collect and share information regarding environmental issues that impact managing and caring for equine animals.
Horse Ownership
Tabulate the financial costs associated with horse ownership.
Discuss the benefits and responsibilities of horse ownership.
Fish and Wildlife Management
Foundational Standards
Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining equipment; utilizing materials and protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.
Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
Explore the range of careers available in the field, investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate job-seeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
Demonstrate digital literacy by using digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically.
Participate in a Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
Participate in Supervised Agricultural Experiences and/or work-based, experiential, and service learning.
Outdoor Safety
Describe safety procedures for hunting, boating, and using recreational vehicles.
Obtain and share information on outdoor survival and first aid techniques.
Identify poisonous, venomous, and dangerous animal species in the state of Alabama.
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Examine the history and importance of fish and wildlife management.
Describe the economic impact of sport hunting in Alabama.
Examples: deer farming, scoring antlers, quail hunting
Research and share information about early state and national leaders in fish and wildlife management.
Conduct research and present conclusions on conservation organizations to determine their impacts on fish and wildlife populations and their influences on public policy.
Examples: Alabama Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation
Obtain and share information on state laws that protect fish and wildlife.
Examples: bag or catch limits, restrictions on transporting game animals across state lines
Differentiate among habitat needs of selected species native to Alabama.
Develop a wildlife management plan for a specific area.
Obtain and share information on methods used to improve and preserve fish and wildlife habitats, citing examples of successful and unsuccessful efforts.