Diagnose mechanical system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Diagnose mechanical system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Diagnose mechanical system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Repair mechanical system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Explain how the ignition system works in four-stroke engines.
Diagnose ignition system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Correct ignition system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Explain how the fuel system works in four-stroke engines.
Diagnose fuel system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Correct fuel system problems in a four-stroke engine.
Identify types of fuel and lubricants and indicate the proper uses of each one.
Two-Stroke Engines
Explain how a two-stroke engine operates.
Identify parts of a two-stroke engine.
Diagnose mechanical system problems in a two-stroke engine.
Correct mechanical system problems in a two-stroke engine.
Explain how the ignition system works in two-stroke engines.
Diagnose ignition system problems in a two-stroke engine.
Correct ignition system problems in a two-stroke engine.
Explain how the fuel system works in two-stroke engines.
Diagnose fuel system problems in a two-stroke engine.
Correct fuel system problems in a two-stroke engine.
Identify two-stroke engine fuel and lubricant types and indicate the proper uses of each one.
Cooling Systems
Identify components of air and liquid cooling systems in engines and explain their functions.
Explain the process and need for draining, replacing, and properly disposing of coolants.
Diagnose and correct cooling system problems in agricultural engines.
Preventive Maintenance
Demonstrate preventive maintenance procedures for servicing agricultural engines.
Research and share information about basic types of fuel and lubricants and differentiate their chief components, characteristics, and applications as related to agricultural equipment.
Engine Overhaul
Demonstrate procedures for disassembling and cleaning agricultural engines.
Demonstrate procedures for inspecting agricultural engines for wear.
Demonstrate the procedure for measuring engine components.
Assemble an agricultural engine according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Exhaust Systems
Explain the operation of an exhaust system on four-stroke and two-stroke engines.