Critique the artistic expression of a dance through the use of collaboratively-developed evaluative criteria.
Critique the artistic expression of a dance through the use of collaboratively-developed evaluative criteria.
Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EQ: What criteria are used to evaluate dance?
Skills Examples
- Show motif development as a tool for creating theme and variation.
- Show how ABA may indicate a cycle of life.
- Select and analyze two different styles of dance and use genre specific terms to compare the movement patterns.
- Reflect upon one's own choreographic choices and compare them with the choices of other choreographers who expressed the same theme.
- Observe a performance of dance and analyze the ways that the elements of dance and principles of choreography were used to support a theme.
- Analyzing the use and organization of elements, principles, skills, foundations, and technique.
- Interpreting meaning based on personal experiences and knowledge.
- Evaluating and justifying by using supportive evidence and aesthetic criteria.
- Apply Evidence
- genres
- styles
- culture movement practices
- choreographic intent
- Elements of Dance
- artistic expression