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Categorize the roles of operating system software.

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Students know:
  • the responsibilities of operating system software.
  • that operating system software provides an interface between the user and applications and I/O devices.
  • that operating system software is specific to the purpose of the software.


Students are able to:
  • explain the purpose of operating system software.
  • list the responsibilities of operating system software.
  • identify types of operating system software.


Students understand that:
  • operating system software provides an interface between the user and hardware and programs/applications.
  • operating system software is the most fundamental of all system software programs.


  • operating system software
  • interface
  • I/O (input/output)
  • memory
  • data storage


Appraise the role of artificial intelligence in guiding software and physical systems.

COS Examples

Examples: predictive modeling, self-driving cars.

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Students know:
  • artificial intelligence plays a role in all industries from healthcare to automotive and finance to military.
  • there are philosophical and ethical questions related to artificial intelligence.


Students are able to:
  • research the roles that artificial intelligence have in guiding software and physical systems.
  • describe ethical and philosophical issues of artificial intelligence roles in society.


Students understand that:
  • there are positive and negative aspects to the science of artificial intelligence and how it is applied in industries, science, and society.
  • ethical, moral, and philosophical issues must continually be evaluated as artificial intelligence grows in application.


  • artificial intelligence
  • machine learning
  • physical systems
  • guiding software


Explain the tradeoffs when selecting and implementing cybersecurity recommendations.

COS Examples

Examples: Two-factor authentication, password requirements, geolocation requirements.

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Students know:
  • how to evaluate the tradeoffs of cybersecurity recommendations.
  • how to articulate the pros and cons of TFA.
  • the importance of password requirements.
  • how to articulate the pros and cons of geolocation.


Students are able to:
  • explain pros and cons of cybersecurity recommendations.
  • describe the use of two-factor authentication.
  • explain the importance of password requirements.
  • describe the use of geolocation.


Students understand that:
  • security, privacy and convenience tradeoffs are factors in selecting and implementing cybersecurity recommendations.


  • cybersecurity
  • two-factor authentication (TFA)
  • geolocation
  • privacy
  • cryptography


Evaluate the ability of models and simulations to test and support the refinement of hypotheses.

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Students know:
  • how to explain the use of models and simulations to generate new knowledge and understanding related to the phenomena or target system that is being studied.
  • how to explain the ability of models and simulations to test and support the refinement of hypotheses related to phenomena under consideration.
  • that modeling and simulations are way to extrapolate and interpolate unrest situation and scenarios to help formulate, test and refine hypotheses.
  • how to form a hypothesis.
  • how to test a hypothesis.
  • how to create a model or simulation.
  • that simulations or models can be created to test a hypothesis but not provide the information expected or intended.
  • that it is vital to verify the data being generated by a model or simulation.


Students are able to:
  • use a diagram or program to represent a model to express key properties of a phenomena or target system.
  • research existing models and simulations and how they are used to test and refine hypotheses.
  • explain how existing models and simulations are used to test and support the refinement of hypotheses.
  • create a model or simulation to formulate, test, and refine a hypothesis.
  • utilize a model or simulation to formulate, test, and refine a hypothesis.
  • form a model of a hypothesis.
  • test the hypothesis by collecting and analyzing data from a simulation.
  • examine a model or simulation to determine the correctness of the generated data.
  • examine a flawed model or simulation and identify areas in which it is providing incorrect data.


Students understand that:
  • a simulation is based on a model and enables observation of the system as key properties change.
  • the accuracy of models and simulations are limited by the level of detail and quality of information used and the software and hardware used.
  • models and simulations are an effective and cost efficient way to understand phenomena and test and refine hypotheses.
  • models and simulations are way to extrapolate and interpolate unrest situation and scenarios to help formulate, test and refine hypotheses.
  • models and simulations can be the only cost- ot time-effective way to test a hypothesis.
  • Models and simulations can save money, are safer, usually requires less time, and do not have the environmental impact that a full experiment or operational test may induce.
  • while a process may operate without errors, that does not guarantee that the process is providing accurate data to meet your needs.


  • model
  • simulations
  • hypotheses
  • phenomena
  • target system


Systematically design and develop programs for broad audiences by incorporating feedback from users.

COS Examples

Examples: Games, utilities, mobile applications.

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Students know:
  • it is vital to seek feedback from others on programs and products.
  • feedback can help make a program or product better.


Students are able to:
  • design and develop a program.
  • publish a program, seeking feedback.
  • make edits to a program based upon user feedback.


Students understand that:
  • when designing a program, it is important to receive input from your target audience to ensure your product meets their expectations or need.


Identify a problem that cannot be solved by either humans or machines alone and discuss a solution for it by decomposing the task into sub-problems suited for a human or machine to accomplish.

COS Examples

Examples: Forecasting weather, piloting airplanes.

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Students know:
  • how to identify a problem.
  • how to decompose a problem.
  • how to identify possible solutions to a problem.


Students are able to:
  • identify a problem that cannot be solved by humans or machines alone.
  • discuss possible solutions using decomposition.
  • identify subproblems for either a human or machine to solve.


Students understand that:
  • problems exist that cannot be solved by a human or machine alone.
  • identifying subproblems can make a complex problem easier to solve.
  • humans and machines can work together to solve complex problems.


Use an iterative design process, including learning from mistakes, to gain a better understanding of a problem domain.

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Students know:
  • that creating an artifact is an iterative process.
  • that feedback serves to make products better.
  • that mistakes are teaching tools that help determine how not to solve a problem.


Students are able to:
  • create and publish.
  • process constructive feedback.
  • persevere through mistakes.


Students understand that:
  • creating an artifact is an iterative process.
  • feedback serves to make products better.
  • mistakes are teaching tools that help determine how not to solve a problem.