Identify opportunities to use American Sign Language beyond the classroom environment.
COS Examples
Examples: Plan real or imaginary travel to a Deaf community event.
Explore the internet to find sites of personal interest where ASL is utilized.
Attend or view Deaf friendly events in person or virtually.
Identify opportunities to use American Sign Language beyond the classroom environment.
COS Examples
Examples: Plan real or imaginary travel to a Deaf community event.
Explore the internet to find sites of personal interest where ASL is utilized.
Attend or view Deaf friendly events in person or virtually.
Unpacked Content
- websites containing Deaf events.
- strategies to navigate the internet to locate ASL sites of interest.
- locate and identify Deaf events in the community.
- plan and attend a real Deaf community event.
- plan and role play an imaginary trip to a Deaf community event.
- plan and view virtually a Deaf community event.
- explore the internet and find sites where ASL is utilized.
- Deaf community events are opportunities to use the target language outside of the classroom setting.