Use knowledge acquired in other settings to comprehend concepts in ASL.
Use knowledge acquired in other settings to comprehend concepts in ASL.
Use knowledge acquired in other settings to comprehend concepts in ASL.
Presentational Mode
Present information to an audience of viewers in American Sign Language.
Present information in an organized manner on a variety of topics in various time frames.
Express ideas about community topics, entertainment or social events.
Present a viewpoint and support opinions.
Investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship among the products, practices and perspectives of the Deaf culture.
Connect perspectives to associated products and practices.
Adapt language and behavior to the culture of the audience.
Analyze connections between products, practices, and perspectives based on research on a topic of interest.
Link American Sign Language and other subject areas to acquire information and diverse cultural perspectives.
Acquire, expand and apply vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content.
Use materials intended for same-age Deaf peers.
Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between American Sign Language and English.
Compare syntax functions.
Hypothesize about the origins of idioms.
Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the Deaf and hearing cultures.
Recognize the interests and practices they have in common with Deaf peers and peers in various other cultures.
Investigate products, practices, or perspectives of the Deaf culture through research.
Critique social, economic, and political institutions of the Deaf culture.
Acquire the ability to interact in the Deaf culture beyond the classroom and set goals for life-long learning.
Examples: Seek out authentic materials in the Deaf culture related to student interest.
Use ASL to communicate with peers and other members of the Deaf community about daily life, experiences, and special events.
Invite community members to participate in ASL or Deaf related school events.
Level I
Interpersonal Mode
Communicate and share using American Sign Language on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the present time frame.
Greet and leave people in a polite way.
Exchange basic information about self and others.
Ask for and provide information.
Exchange basic information about their everyday lives.
Interpretive Mode
Comprehend and interpret what is viewed in live and recorded ASL on familiar topics using the present tense.