Comparing dietary trends in Africa, Asia, the United States, Europe, and South America
Comparing dietary trends in Africa, Asia, the United States, Europe, and South America
Comparing dietary trends in Africa, Asia, the United States, Europe, and South America
Tracing disease prevalence and efficiency of treatment around the world, including malaria, dengue fever, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), parasites, and obesity
Critique music, art, and dance as vehicles for understanding world cultures.
Categorizing musical instruments as a means to understanding culture, including the didgeridoo in the aboriginal culture in Australia
Identifying music genres and dance styles around the world
Examples: genres–Naxi, Peruvian, pop
dance styles–reggae, folk
Explaining how culture from various countries is expressed through adornments
Examples: jewelry, clothing
Relating artwork and artists to history
Examples: Fabergé eggs, commissioned paintings and sculptures
Describe how tourism shapes cultural traditions and population growth.
Explaining how regions become major business centers of tourism and trade, including the cities of Dubai, Bangkok, New York, and Shanghai
Identifying how trends, including ecotourism and the cruise industry, affect island culture in tropical areas
Trace the development of psychology as a scientific discipline evolving from other fields of study.
Describing early psychological and biological inquiries that led to contemporary approaches and methods of experimentation, including ideologies of Aristotle, John Locke, Wilhelm Wundt, Charles Darwin, William James, Frantz Fanon, and G. Stanley Hall
Differentiating among various modern schools of thought and perspectives in psychology that have evolved since 1879, including each school’s view on concepts of aggression or appetite
Illustrating how modern psychologists utilize multiple perspectives to understand behavior and mental processes
Identifying major subfields and career opportunities related to psychology
Describe research strategies used by psychologists to explore mental processes and behavior.
Describing the type of methodology and strategies used by researchers in different psychological studies
Examples: surveys, naturalistic observations, case studies, longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies
Contrasting independent, dependent, and confounding variables and control and experimental groups
Identifying systematic procedures necessary for conducting an experiment and improving the validity of results
Describing the use of statistics in evaluating research, including calculating the mean, median, and mode from a set of data; conducting a simple correlational analysis using either calculators or computer software; and explaining the meaning of statistical significance
Explain how processes of the central and peripheral nervous systems underlie behavior and mental processes, including how neurons are the basis for neural communication.
Describing how neurons communicate, including the role of neurotransmitters in behavior and the electrochemical process
Comparing the effect of drugs and toxins on the brain and neurotransmitters
Describing how different sections of the brain have specialized yet interdependent functions, including functions of different lobes and hemispheres of the cerebral cortex and consequences of damage to specific sections of the brain
Describing different technologies used to study the brain and nervous system
Analyzing behavior genetics for its contribution to the understanding of behavior and mental processes, including differentiating between deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), chromosomes, and genes; identifying effects of chromosomal abnormalities; and explaining how genetics and environmental factors work together to determine inherited traits
Describe the interconnected processes of sensation and perception.
Explaining the role of sensory systems in human behavior, including sight, sound, smell, touch, and pain
Explaining how what is perceived can be different from what is sensed, including how attention and environmental cues can affect the ability to accurately sense and perceive the world
Describing the role of Gestalt principles and concepts in perception
Explain ways to promote psychological wellness.
Describing physiological processes associated with stress, including hormones associated with stress responses
Describing Hans Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Describing the flight-or-fight response in terms of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems