Explain how human systems develop in response to physical environmental conditions.
COS Examples
Example: farming practices in different regions, including slash-and-burn agriculture, terrace farming, and center-pivot irrigation
Explain how human systems develop in response to physical environmental conditions.
COS Examples
Example: farming practices in different regions, including slash-and-burn agriculture, terrace farming, and center-pivot irrigation
Unpacked Content
- How human systems develop in response to physical environmental conditions.
- Farming practices in different regions, including slash-and-burn agriculture, terrace farming, and center-pivot irrigation.
- Types, locations, and characteristics of natural hazards, including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and mudslides.
- Ways people prepare for and respond to natural hazards, including building storm shelters, conducting fire and tornado drills, and establishing building codes for construction.
- Interpret regional and global spatial patterns.
- Evaluate adaptions to physical environmental conditions.
- Human systems develop in response to physical environmental conditions.
- human systems
- differentiating
- response