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Explain how human systems develop in response to physical environmental conditions.

COS Examples

Example: farming practices in different regions, including slash-and-burn agriculture, terrace farming, and center-pivot irrigation

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Students know:
  • How human systems develop in response to physical environmental conditions.
  • Farming practices in different regions, including slash-and-burn agriculture, terrace farming, and center-pivot irrigation.
  • Types, locations, and characteristics of natural hazards, including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and mudslides.
  • Ways people prepare for and respond to natural hazards, including building storm shelters, conducting fire and tornado drills, and establishing building codes for construction.


Students are able to:
  • Interpret regional and global spatial patterns.
  • Evaluate adaptions to physical environmental conditions.


Students understand that:
  • Human systems develop in response to physical environmental conditions.


  • human systems
  • differentiating
  • response


Explain the cultural concept of natural resources and changes in spatial distribution, quantity, and quality through time and by location.

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Students know:
  • The ways cultural viewpoints about the use and value of natural resources can change over time.
  • Reasons for the changes in value, distribution, quantity, and quality of resources.
  • Issues related to the use of non-renewable resources.


Students are able to:
  • Read thematic maps to locate particular resources and their global distribution.


Students understand that:
  • Cultural concepts of natural resources and changes in spatial distribution of resources differ over time.


  • cultural concept
  • cultural viewpoint
  • spatial distribution
  • non-renewable and renewable
  • resources
  • sustainability


Evaluating various cultural viewpoints regarding the use or value of natural resources

COS Examples

Examples: salt and gold as valued commodities, petroleum product use and the invention of the internal combustion engine


Identifying issues regarding depletion of nonrenewable resources and the sustainability of renewable resources

COS Examples

Examples: ocean shelf and Arctic exploration for petroleum, hybrid engines in cars, wind-powered generators, solar collection panels


Explain ways geographic features and environmental issues have influenced historical events.

COS Examples

Examples: geographic features–fall line, Cumberland Gap, Westward Expansion in the United States, weather conditions at Valley Forge and the outcome of the American Revolution, role of ocean currents and winds during exploration by Christopher Columbus

environmental issues–boundary disputes, ownership of ocean resources, revitalization of downtown areas

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The ways geographic feature can effect historical events.
  • The ways environmental issues can effect historical events.
  • Geographic features: fall line, Cumberland Gap, desert southwest, global and local landscape patterns, climate and weather conditions (local to global), central business district/downtown.


Students are able to:
  • Read and interpret physical geography maps related to historical events.
  • Trace the progression of a historical event or era on a map.
  • Analyze changing realities of natural resources.


Students understand that:
  • Historical events are influenced by geographic features and environmental issues.


  • geographic features
  • physical environments
  • environmental issues
  • revitalization


Explain how artifacts and other archaeological findings provide evidence of the nature and movement of prehistoric groups of people.

COS Examples

Examples: cave paintings, Ice Man, Lucy, fossils, pottery

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How artifacts and other archaeological findings provide evidence of the nature of movement of prehistoric people.
  • The historical basis for the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Various ways to describe historic and pre-historic time, including use of B.C.E. and C.E.
  • Terms to describe characteristics of early societies and family structures (Ex. monogamous, polygamous, nomadic, agrarian).


The students are able to:
  • Describe the difference between artifacts and fossils and how they are used by archeologists and historians.
  • Use examples to explain the ways artifacts and other archaeological findings provide evidence of the nature and movement of prehistoric groups of people.
  • Describe time through the use of a variety to calendars and methods.
  • Identify terms used to describe characteristics of early societies and family structures.


Students understand that:
  • Archaeologists and historians use evidence left behind by prehistoric people to describe the nature of these people and their movements.
  • The Gregorian and Julian calendars differ and various calendars use different dates as their starting points.
  • There are a variety of ways to identify historical time.


  • artifacts
  • archaeological findings
  • evidence
  • Gregorian calendar
  • Julian calendar
  • nomadic
  • agrarian
  • monogamous
  • polygamous
  • prehistoric
  • B.C.E.
  • C.E.
  • B.C.
  • A.D.


Identifying the founding of Rome as the basis of the calendar established by Julius Caesar and used in early Western civilization for over a thousand years


Identifying the birth of Christ as the basis of the Gregorian calendar used in the United States since its beginning and in most countries of the world today, signified by B.C. and A.D.


Identifying terms used to describe characteristics of early societies and family structures

COS Examples

Examples: monogamous, polygamous, nomadic


Analyze characteristics of early civilizations in respect to technology, division of labor, government, calendar, and writings.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The characteristics of early civilizations, including natural environments, urban development, technology, division of labor and social hierarchies, types of government, ethical and religious belief systems, economic systems, calendar, and writings the similarities and differences among the civilizations that developed in the Tigris-Euphrates, Nile, Indus, and Huang-He River valleys.
  • The locations of cultural hearths of early civilizations.


The students are able to:
  • Analyze and compare early civilizations using a list of characteristics.
  • Locate places on a map.


Students understand that:
  • There are ways early civilizations developed to meet the demands of their environment and the needs of their people.


  • technology
  • early civilizations
  • labor
  • government
  • developed
  • division of labor
  • cultural hearths
  • natural environments
  • urban development
  • social hierarchy
  • types of government
  • ethical and religious belief systems
  • economic systems


Comparing significant features of civilizations that developed in the Tigris-Euphrates, Nile, Indus, and Huang He River Valleys

COS Examples

Examples: natural environment, urban development, social hierarchy, written language, ethical and religious belief systems, government and military institutions, economic systems


Identifying on a map locations of cultural hearths of early civilizations

COS Examples

Examples: Mesopotamia, Nile River Valley


Compare the development of early world religions and philosophies and their key tenets.

COS Examples

Examples: Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Greek and Roman gods

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The origins, development, influence, spread, and cultural contributions of Judaism, Greek and Roman gods, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.


Students are able to:
  • Identify locations on a map or globe.
  • Use maps to support conclusions about cultural groups.


Students understand that:
  • The history, key tenets, and beliefs of early world religions and philosophies have influenced regional and world history.


  • Judaism
  • Diaspora
  • covenant
  • Greek gods
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Roman gods
  • oracle
  • Confucianism
  • Daoism
  • Legalism
  • Islam
  • Christianity
  • Zen
  • prophets
  • messiah
  • disciple
  • apostle
  • Darma
  • Karma
  • monotheism
  • polytheism
  • meditation
  • reincarnation
  • excommunicate
  • monastery
  • doctrine
  • parable
  • philosophies
  • tenets


Identifying cultural contributions of early world religions and philosophies

COS Examples

Examples: Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Greek and Roman gods, Phoenicians


Identify cultural contributions of Classical Greece, including politics, intellectual life, arts, literature, architecture, and science.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The cultural contributions of Classical Greece, including the areas of politics, intellectual life, arts, literature, architecture, and science.
  • The social and political structures of various city-states throughout Greece's Classical Era.
  • The contribution of Greek democracy to the American system of government.


Students are able to:
  • Analyze textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Describe how geography influenced Greek culture.


Students understand that:
  • There were many cultural contributions of Classical Greece, in government, politics, arts, history, philosophy, drama, literature, architecture, math, and science.


  • cultural contributions
  • Classical Greece
  • politics
  • intellectual life
  • oligarchy
  • democracy
  • representative democracy
  • direct democracy
  • philosophy


Describe the role of Alexander the Great in the Hellenistic world.

COS Examples

Examples: serving as political and military leader, encouraging cultural interaction, allowing religious diversity

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The role of Alexander the Great played in the Hellenistic World.
  • The economic impact of Alexander's empire.
  • The reasons for separation of Alexander's empire after his death.
  • The major contributions of Hellenistic art, philosophy, science, and political thought.


Students are able to:
    Analyze textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Identify the boundaries of an empire and its political and economic impact.


Students understand that:
  • The achievements, influences, and contributions of Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age had effects on later civilizations.


  • Hellenistic
  • economic impact
  • successor kingdoms
  • philosophy
  • scientific thought
  • political thought
  • aristocracy
  • oligarchy
  • democracy
  • Socratic method
  • monarch
  • tyrant
  • city-state
  • influence
  • invasion
  • inspiration
  • conquer
  • engineers
  • artisans
  • Epicureanism
  • Stoicism
  • drama
  • playwright


Trace the expansion of the Roman Republic and its transformation into an empire, including key geographic, political, and economic elements.

COS Examples

Examples: expansion–illustrating the spread of Roman influence with charts, graphs, timelines, or maps

transformation–noting reforms of Augustus, listing effects of Pax Romana

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Details of the expansion of the Roman Republic and its transformation into an empire. Key geographic, political, and economic elements of the Roman Empire.
  • The spatial distributions and patterns of the Roman Republic.
  • How Rome gained control of the Mediterranean region events leading to the creation of a Roman empire.
  • The reforms of Augustus.
  • Effects of the Pax Romana.


Student are able to:
  • Analyze textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Analyze the effects of geography on culture.


Students understand that:
  • The Roman Republic evolved from a republic into an empire, and it later expanded.


  • Roman Republic
  • transformation
  • geographic, political, and economic elements
  • spatial distributions


Describe the widespread impact of the Roman Empire.

COS Examples

Example: spread of Roman law and political theory, citizenship and slavery, architecture and engineering, religions, sculptures and paintings, literature, and the Latin language

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The impact/influence of the Roman Empire on the world including cultural achievements.
  • How to trace important aspects of the spread of Christianity such as how it relates to Judaism, its organization, and its doctrine. The reasons behind the decline and fall of Rome including economics, societal changes, Christianity, political and military problems, external factors, and the size and diversity of the empire.
  • Long-lasting Roman influences.
  • The important aspects of Christianity in the Roman Empire, including how it relates to other religions and its influence on Roman society.
  • The role of economics, politics, size/diversity, and societal changes in the decline and fall of Rome.


Students are able to:
  • Analyze textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Identify the effects of religious beliefs and practices on societies.
  • Identify the cause and effect of economic changes on societies.


Students understand that:
  • The Roman Empire impacted and influenced later societies.


  • diffusion
  • persecution
  • doctrine
  • external factors


Tracing important aspects of the diffusion of Christianity, including its relationship to Judaism, missionary impulse, organizational development, transition from persecution to acceptance in the Roman Empire, and church doctrine


Explaining the role of economics, societal changes, Christianity, political and military problems, external factors, and the size and diversity of the Roman Empire in its decline and fall


Describe the development of a classical civilization in India and China.

COS Examples

Examples: India–religions, arts and literature, philosophies, empires, caste system

China–religions, politics, centrality of the family, Zhou and Han Dynasties, inventions, economic impact of the Silk Road and European trade, dynastic transitions

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The development of a classical civilization in India and China.
  • The climate and geography of India and China and the effects these had on the development of each region.
  • The social and political impact of major groups on the development of India and China.
  • The effects of religion and philosophy on Indian and Chinese societies and the effects of Indian and Chinese cultures and geographies on the development of religions and philosophies.


Students are able to:
  • Analyze textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Identify the effects of religious beliefs and practices on societies.
  • Describe how geography influenced culture.


Students understand that:
  • The civilizations in India and China development into advanced, sophisticated civilizations.


  • subcontinent
  • dharma
  • karma
  • reincarnation
  • caste
  • filial piety
  • classical civilization
  • Varna
  • enlightenment
  • meditation
  • nirvana
  • Daoism
  • Confucianism
  • Legalism
  • acupuncture
  • oracle
  • mandate of heaven


Identifying landforms and climate regions of China

COS Examples

Example: marking landforms and climate regions of China on a map


Describe the rise of the Byzantine Empire, its institutions, and its legacy, including the influence of the Emperors Constantine and Justinian and the effect of the Byzantine Empire on art, religion, architecture, and law.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The factors that led to the rise of the Byzantine Empire examples of Byzantine influences on art, culture, religion, architecture, and law.
  • The influence of major political leaders, including Emperors Constantine and Justinian
  • The factors leading to the establishment of the Eastern Orthodox Church.


Students are able to:
  • Understand textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Identify the effects of religious beliefs and practices on societies.
  • Determine how governmental policies impact an empire. Analyze the long-term impact of specific aspects of a culture.


Students understand that:
  • The Byzantine Empire influenced art, culture, religion, architecture, and law.


  • Byzantine Empire
  • Constantine
  • Justinian
  • Theodora
  • Eastern Orthodox Church
  • Justinian Law Code
  • Hagia Sophia
  • Christianity
  • Western Roman Catholic Church
  • Byzantine Church
  • icons
  • excommunicate
  • missionary


Trace the development of the early Russian state and the expansion of its trade systems.

COS Examples

Examples: rise of Kiev and Muscovy, conversion to Orthodox Christianity, movement of peoples of Central Asia, Mongol conquest, rise of czars

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The factors that led to the development of the early Russian state.
  • The importance of specific regions and cities on Russia's growth and economic development reasons for Russia's conversion to Orthodox Christianity.
  • Changes in Russian politics, including the rise of czars.
  • The economic, political, and social impacts of the movement of groups in Central Asia.
  • The effects of the Mongol conquest on early Russia.


Students are able to:
  • Analyze textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Identify the effects of religious beliefs and practices on societies.
  • Identify the cause and effect of political, social, and economic changes on a society.


Students understand that:
  • There were important social and political developments of the early Russian state and this expanded its trading system.


  • Kievan Rus
  • Muscovy
  • conversion
  • czars
  • Mongols
  • conquest


Describe early Islamic civilizations, including the development of religious, social, and political systems.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The influence of Islamic beliefs and philosophy on social, political, and economic development of early Islamic civilizations.
  • The ways Islamic civilizations and influence spread throughout the Middle East, northern Africa, and western Europe including through trade, invasion, and conquest.


Students are able to:
  • Analyze textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
  • Locate places on a map.
  • Identify the effects of religious beliefs and practices on societies and political systems.


Students understand that:
  • There were important developments and influences from the early Islamic civilizations.


  • Islam
  • Muslim
  • Muhammad
  • Quran
  • pilgrimage
  • Shiite
  • Sunni
  • caliph
  • mosque
  • minaret
  • oasis
  • Mecca
  • Medina
  • jihad
  • Sunnah
  • Shariah
  • Five Pillars of Islam
  • tolerance
  • calligraphy