Standards - Social Studies


Describe the organization and role of business.

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Students know:
  • The advantages and disadvantages of the three major forms of business organization.
  • The characteristics of each type of competition.
  • How oligopolies are formed.
  • The different types of monopoly.
  • The meaning of the profit motive and how it impacts production decisions.
  • How businesses invest using equity financing, borrowing and saving.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of each method of raising money for investment.
  • How businesses compete through pricing and marketing.
  • The different types of economic institutions and their goals.


Students are able to:
  • Identify the characteristics of the basic forms of business organization and determine the appropriate form of organization for different situations.
  • Identify and construct a perfectly competitive market graph (supply and demand graph).
  • Calculate examples of diminishing returns.
  • Draw short run and long run ATC curves.


Students understand that:
  • Different forms of business organization may be appropriate depending on the type of good or service to be produced.
  • Different methods of raising money for investment are appropriate depending on the goals of the business.
  • There are many ways in which businesses compete depend on the type of industry structure.
  • The actions of economic institutions impact market outcomes.


  • sole proprietorship
  • partnership
  • corporation
  • stock
  • bond
  • pure competition (perfect competition)
  • monopoly
  • patents
  • copyrights
  • trademarks
  • monopolistic competition
  • oligopoly
  • collusion
  • vertical merger
  • horizontal merger
  • law of diminishing returns
  • economies of scale
  • diseconomies of scale
  • short run
  • long run


Explain the impact of the labor market on the United States’ economy.

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Students know:
  • The factors that affect labor productivity and wages.
  • The factors that affect the supply of and demand for labor.
  • How the Phillips curve reflects trade-offs between inflation and unemployment.
  • The impact of demographics and regional specialization on wages and employment.
  • The non-market factors that affect wages, such as discrimination.
  • The overall economic impact of inflation and unemployment.
  • The role of Alabama in the national and global economies.


Students are able to:
  • Determine how certain factors impact wages and employment.
  • Determine specific impacts on economic growth of inflation and unemployment.
  • Use the Phillips curve to calculate trade-offs between inflation and unemployment.


Students understand that:
  • There are certain factors that affect labor productivity and wages.
  • There are certain factors that affect the supply of and demand for labor.
  • There are trade-offs between inflation and unemployment reflected on the Phillips curve.
  • Demographics and regional specialization, as well as productivity, affect wages and employment.
  • Non-market factors also impact wages.
  • Inflation and unemployment negatively impact economic growth.
  • Economic interdependence in Alabama impacts and is impacted by the national and global economies.


  • inflation
  • unemployment rate
  • labor force
  • labor productivity
  • Philips curve
  • Misery index
  • stagflation


Identifying regional characteristics of the labor force of the United States, including gender, race, socioeconomic background, education, age, and regional specialization


Determining the relationship of Alabama and the United States to the global economy regarding current technological innovations and industries (Alabama)

COS Examples

Examples: World Wide Web, peanut industry, telecommunications industry, aerospace industry


Describe methods used to measure overall economic activity, including the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation, and unemployment.

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Students know:
  • The basic economic indicators: GDP, CPI and unemployment.
  • The parts of the business cycle.
  • The characteristics of each part of the business cycle.
  • The different types of inflation.
  • The different types of unemployment.
  • The types of unemployment included in full employment.


Students are able to:
  • Determine the portion of the business cycle represented by certain economic indicators.
  • Identify examples of each type of unemployment.
  • Calculate the unemployment rate.
  • Calculate the inflation rate using the CPI.


Students understand that:
  • Each of the basic economic indicators change for specific reasons.
  • There are specific causes of the different types of inflation.
  • There are causes of each type of unemployment.
  • There are specific reasons that economic activity changes over time.


  • GDP
  • CPI
  • cost-push inflation
  • demand-pull inflation
  • hyperinflation
  • unemployment rate
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • cyclical unemployment
  • frictional unemployment
  • structural unemployment
  • full employment
  • recession
  • expansion
  • peak
  • trough


Explaining how overall levels of income, employment, and prices are determined by spending decisions of households, businesses, and government; net exports in the short run; and production decisions of firms and technology in the long run


Explain the structure, role, and functions of the United States Federal Reserve System.

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Students know:
  • The functions of money: medium of exchange, unit of account (measure of value), and store of value.
  • The role of the Federal Reserve in the United States' economy.
  • The 3 primary monetary policy tools: reserve ratio, discount rate, and open market operations to influence the federal funds rate.
  • How the 3 primary monetary policy tools impact the money supply and the overall economy.


Students are able to:
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in the reserve ratio.
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in the discount rate.
  • Determine the specific economic impact of open market operations on the federal funds rate.
  • Determine the appropriate monetary policy to promote employment.
  • Determine the appropriate monetary policy to combat inflation.


Students understand that:
  • Money functions to increase trade.
  • Monetary policy tools are used to promote employment and economic growth.
  • Monetary policy tools are used to combat inflation.
  • The Federal Reserve has a role in controlling the money supply.


  • monetary policy
  • reserve ratio (reserve requirement)
  • fractional reserve banking
  • discount rate
  • deposit multiplier (deposit expansion
  • multiplier /simple money multiplier)
  • open-market operations
  • federal funds rate
  • easy-money policy (expansionary)
  • tight-money policy (contractionary)


Explain how the government uses fiscal policy to promote the economic goals of price stability, full employment, and economic growth.

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Students know:
  • The role of Congress and the President in promoting economic stability through the use of discretionary fiscal policy.
  • Government spending and taxes act automatically to help stabilize the economy.
  • The two fiscal policy tools: government spending and taxes.


Students are able to:
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in government spending.
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in the tax rate.
  • Determine the appropriate fiscal policy to promote employment.
  • Determine the appropriate fiscal policy to combat inflation.


Students understand that:
  • Taxes and government spending impact the overall economy, both through discretionary fiscal policy and automatic stabilizers.
  • Fiscal policy tools are used to promote employment and economic growth.
  • Fiscal policy tools are used to combat inflation.


  • fiscal policy
  • Keynesian
  • deficit
  • crowding out effect
  • surplus
  • debt
  • expansionary policy
  • contractionary policy
  • multiplier effect
  • automatic stabilizers


Explain why individuals, businesses, and governments trade goods and services in the global economy.

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Students know:
  • The difference between absolute and comparative advantage and the importance of each.
  • The types, purpose and impact of trade barriers.
  • The factors that affect exchange rates.
  • How changes in exchange rates affect trade.
  • The international organizations and agreements that impact globalization.


Students are able to:
  • Determine comparative advantage by calculating opportunity costs.
  • Calculate gains from trade based on comparative advantage.
  • Determine how certain factors affect exchange rates.
  • Determine how changes in exchange rates affect global trade.


Students understand that:
  • Comparative advantage plays a role in trade and it leads to gains from trade.
  • Countries impose trade barriers and the economic impact of these barriers.
  • Many factors affect exchange rates.
  • Changes in exchange rates affect trade between countries.
  • International trade leads to economic growth and higher standards of living worldwide.


  • globalization
  • absolute advantage
  • comparative advantage
  • gains from trade
  • exchange rate
  • currency appreciation
  • currency depreciation
  • purchasing power parity (Big Mac Index)
  • import
  • export
  • trade deficit
  • trade surplus
  • tariff
  • quota
  • embargo
  • export subsidies
  • EU
  • WTO
  • IMF
  • World Bank


Describe current news stories from various perspectives, including geographical, historical, political, social, and cultur

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Students know:
  • News stories can be interpreted through various perspectives.
  • The types of information that can be found within news stories.


Students are able to:
  • Analyze news stories for comparative purposes in their style, format, and audience.
  • Develop connections between current issues and past events.
  • Interpret various forms of data, including statistical and geographical, contained in news stories.
  • Identify cause-effect relationships with current news stories and their world implications.
  • Locate on a map key locations of major world news stories.


Students understand that:
  • The relevancy of major news stories can be established through analysis of the story and drawing connections.


  • perspective
  • local, state, national, and international communities
  • analyze
  • interpret
  • statistical data
  • compare/contrast
  • news graphic (infographic)