Classroom Resources

This classroom resource provides a video that introduces percents as "parts of one hundred." It explains that percents can be written as a fraction, as a decimal, as a ratio, or with a percent sign. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to "make change" in word problems involving money, which can be related to subtracting decimals to the hundredths place. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout with practice problems can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to round decimals to the nearest whole number using a number line. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to place decimals on a number line in order to compare their magnitudes. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to divide decimals. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to convert decimals, fractions, and percents, in order to compare their magnitudes. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.


4, 5

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to identify arithmetic patterns in a set of numbers. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to write and solve addition and subtraction equations. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. There is a karaoke song with printable lyrics that will help students learn the steps taught during the activity. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource provides a video that explains how to write and solve equations using information from word problems. There is a karaoke song with printable lyrics that will help students learn and review the steps taught during the video. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to set up and use a function table. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to generate ratios in word form, fraction form, and ratio form. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource provides a video that introduces proportions as a number sentence that shows two equivalent ratios. It explains that using a proportion as an equation, it is possible to find the fractions of a set, which can help solve a variety of math problems. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to predict geometric patterns. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource from TED-Ed includes an animated video illustrating the story behind the Boston Tea Party. A six-question quiz follows the video to get students thinking about information from the video. Additional resources are included such as primary sources, allowing students to "dig deeper" into the topic. Finally, the resource includes a guided discussion question. The entire resource can be used to introduce the Boston Tea Party or as a supplement during a unit on the Boston Tea Party. 



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This video from This is Alabama showcases the beautiful beaches of Alabama. Visitors come from all over to enjoy the sugar-white sand and emerald waves of Alabama's beaches. This video can be used to identify the physical features of Alabama and describe how recreational opportunities are affected by the physical environment.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to create and solve equations by identifying the appropriate mathematical operation. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to solve problems that have more than one operation. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. A karaoke song with printable lyrics will help students learn and review the steps taught during the activity. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to plot points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.


5, 6

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be introduced to rates as a type of ratio that compares, unlike units. Students will be led through steps to find an equivalent fraction before they compare rates. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to generate and solve multiplication and division equations. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. A karaoke song with printable lyrics will help students learn and review the steps taught during the activity. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource provides a slideshow that introduces the types of lines. There is a karaoke song with printable lyrics that will help students learn and review the types of lines. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to measure angles using a protractor. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. A karaoke song with printable lyrics will help students learn and review the steps taught during the activity. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to identify triangles based on their angles and sides. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the types of triangles taught during the activity can be printed. There is a karaoke song with printable lyrics that will help students learn and review the types of triangles. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource provides a slideshow that introduces the types of solid figures and describes how to identify them. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this interactive activity, students will be led through steps to identify lines of symmetry in different figures. There are teaching activities as well as practice activities available. A handout that reviews the steps taught during the activity can be printed. After utilizing this resource, the students can complete the short quiz to assess their understanding.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource from Epic! is a book that traces the development of inventions in communication technology – from the earliest steps to our current technology. This book can be used to introduce a lesson on describing families and communities of the past and identifying ways everyday life has changed.

Note: You will need to create a free account to access this resource.


K, 1

Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource is a book from Epic! which tells the story about the coolest pop star ever coming to town and a little girl (Sally) who is dying to go to the concert. How can she save enough money to buy a ticket?  The story guides students through a savings plan for Sally's chance to attend the concert. This book can be used to teach students to understand the primary role of money in everyday life and explain the purpose of saving on a kid-friendly level.

Note: You will need to create a free account to access this resource.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource is a book from Epic! which describes needs and wants. The book defines budget, savings, and income. The book includes a glossary, further reading suggestions, and learning activities. It can be used to teach students to distinguish between needs and wants and to demonstrate effective decision-making when making budget choices.

Note: You will need to create a free account to access this resource.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource from Epic! is a book that describes basic rules for what to do and what not to do to be safe at home. This book can be used to teach students rules that exist in the classroom as well as at home and in the community. The book includes home safety rules, a glossary, additional websites, and a quiz that can be assigned to students.

Note: You will need to create a free account to access this resource.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource from Epic! is a book for students. Students can learn the basic features of calendars and clocks, like dates and numerals. Learning how to use these features will help students to track time and keep organized. The AR level for this book is 3.1. The age range is 6-9 years old. The book includes a quiz and glossary.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students compare their own tap water use in light of global freshwater access to develop an understanding of water security. They learn how watersheds work, locate their local watershed, then turn their attention to the importance of Mount Everest’s watershed and the people who rely on it. They use a variety of resources to learn about key sources of freshwater. Finally, students collect evidence connecting Mount Everest’s ice to water security by exploring maps, analyzing graphs and infographics, reading articles, and more. This lesson is part of the Peak Water: Mount Everest and Global Water Supply unit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students learn about droughts and the link between climate change and water access through videos, readings, and discussions. They then brainstorm how to avoid a “Day Zero” in their watershed and how Mount Everest mountaineers can help protect the mountain's watershed. Students draw from their Project Journals to create and present a public education outreach campaign and supporting scientific arguments illustrating how humans impact water security. This lesson is part of the Peak Water: Mount Everest and Global Water Supply unit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students learn about the Darvaza Crater and ponder what keeps it burning. Then they analyze the Keeling Curve and consider the source of the increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. In the activities to follow, they explore fossil fuel formation, use, benefits, and consequences through a series of readings. By sorting everyday objects and diagramming a simple model of the global carbon cycle, students consider how carbon generally cycles through Earth’s systems, including as fossil fuels. This lesson is part of the Carbon Trackers unit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this series of activities, students learn about how microbial diseases are transmitted and start to think about who is involved in a community response to an outbreak of an infectious disease. Students use the case of John Snow to learn how epidemiologists can use maps to locate the source of an outbreak and map a hypothetical pathway of disease transmission for a particular disease. This lesson is part of the Menacing Microbes unit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this set of activities, students explore the power of creating visual models in science by first researching then constructing models of the rock cycle, the water cycle, and the processes of photosynthesis and respiration in jigsaw groups. Using these models, students teach other groups about their assigned topic and then collaborate to integrate this information into a larger model of the global carbon cycle. Finally, an experiment, reading, and video about the greenhouse effect help students consider the role of greenhouse gasses in their model of the global carbon cycle. This lesson is part of the Carbon Trackers unit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource