Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

"I Saw the Sine"

Subject Area



9, 10, 11, 12


This lesson will provide information that will prove the concept of sine and cosine is equal to the complementary angles of a right triangle. The lesson will examine the proper techniques for writing trigonometric ratios. The lesson will enhance background knowledge of proportions as well as use the terminology of means and extremes.

This lesson results from the ALEX Resource Gap Project.

    Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 09-12 - Geometry with Data Analysis


    Discover and apply relationships in similar right triangles.

    Unpacked Content



    • Side ratios
    • Trigonometric ratios
    • Sine
    • Cosine
    • Tangent
    • Secant
    • Cosecant
    • Cotangent
    • Complementary anglesconverse


    Students know:
    • Techniques to construct similar triangles.
    • Properties of similar triangles.
    • Methods for finding sine and cosine ratios in a right triangle (e.g., use of triangle properties: similarity. Pythagorean Theorem. isosceles and equilateral characteristics for 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 triangles and technology for others).
    • Methods of using the trigonometric ratios to solve for sides or angles in a right triangle.
    • The Pythagorean Theorem and its use in solving for unknown parts of a right triangle.


    Students are able to:
    • Accurately find the side ratios of triangles.
    • Explain and justify relationships between the side ratios of a right triangle and the angles of a right triangle.


    Students understand that:
    • The ratios of the sides of right triangles are dependent on the size of the angles of the triangle.
    • The sine of an angle is equal to the cosine of the complement of the angle.
    • Switching between using a given angle or its complement and between sine or cosine ratios may be used when solving contextual problems.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    The student will be able to determine the sides of a right triangle.

    The student will demonstrate knowledge of ratios of a right triangle for sine and cosine.

    The student will compare ratios for sine and cosine for right triangles.

    Additional Learning Objective(s)

    The student will calculate sine and cosine values using a calculator.

    The student will calculate angles given the values of sine and cosine using a calculator.





    1. As the students enter the classroom, the Bell Ringer should be posted on the interactive whiteboard (The bellringer can be found on the first slide of the PowerPoint).
    2. Select students at random to answer the bell ringer. (Answers: Hypotenuse is 5, one leg is 3 and the other leg is 4.)
    3. Introduce the video from Khan Academy (“Basic Trigonometry”)
    4. The teacher can stop the video for questioning and comprehension.


    1. After the video, the teacher should introduce the saying “sock-a-tow-a” (SOH-CAH-TOA).
    2. Show the students how to use the calculator to find sine, cosine, and tangent. Press the trig ratio key and then the angle.
    3. Use the calculator to find the angle from the decimal form of the trig ratio. Press INV key then trig ratio key.
    4. Explain that the letters in front stand for a particular trig ratio of the right triangle.
      1. S – sine
      2. C – cosine
      3. T – tangent
      4. O – opposite side of the given angle
      5. A – adjacent side of the given angle
      6. H – hypotenuse
      7. Use the Bell Ringer and given the bottom angle to write the trig ratios in fraction form and decimal form.
        1. 3/5 and 0.6 are the Sine using the bottom angle
        2. 4/5 and 0.8 are the Cosine using the bottom angle
        3. Show the video “Writing the ratios for sine, cosine, and tangent”.
        4. Using the angles of a right triangle, show the students that the two angles will be acute. The sum of the two acute angles must be 90 degrees, which makes them complementary.
        5. Using the definition of proportions, the sine of one acute angle will equal the cosine of the other acute angle
        6. The students will make a table and compare ratios.

    From the bell ringer triangle…Draw the triangle on the smart board

    Sine x


    Sine y


    Cosine x


    Cosine y


    Students compare ratios: sine x = cosine y

    Students compare ratios: cosine x = sine y

    The students have proven that the trig ratios (sine/cosine) of opposite complementary angles of a right triangle are equal.


    1. Assign the problems from the PDF worksheet.
    2. The teacher can upload the worksheet in Google classroom, then the students can access it and submit the answers.
    3. If the teacher does not have access to technology, then he/she will need to make copies for each student.
    4. The students will complete the worksheet for homework.

    Exit Slip

    As the students begin the assignment, place the second slide from the PowerPoint on the smart board. Ask the students to complete the problem on their own paper and turn it in as they leave the classroom.

    Assessment Strategies


    The teacher will assess the students as the video is playing as well as soliciting answers from students.

    The teacher will make an informal assessment by grading the worksheet that is turned in or submitted through Google classroom.


    The teacher can make a formal assessment by using the exit slip at the end of class. The students will be able to complete the assignment with 100% mastery. The exit slip is the second slide from the PowerPoint in the attachment/resources section.


    Copy the worksheets named "Accelerated". These worksheets are for the students who finish early. 


    The students that need accommodating and extra reinforcement will receive one-on-one tutorial. Also, the teacher can pair the students with a peer tutor from the class.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    31 to 60 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    Teacher Background

    The teacher must have the knowledge to show students how to use a calculator to find sine, cosine, and tangent values. All calculators are different when it comes to inputting values for angles. Casio calculators ask for the angle measure first then trig ratio. Texas Instrument calculators will need the trig ratio first then the angle measure. The teacher and students will need to experiment with the calculators to understand how each type works. The teacher will need to preview the website and activities with Khan Academy. The website and program are a great resource for teachers. The teacher will need to be ready to explain and show “means and extremes” to the students.

    Student Background

    The students will need to understand ratios, unit rates, and proportions. The students will need knowledge of complementary angles as well as properties of a right triangle. The student should be able to use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate missing sides of a right triangle.  

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    Resources for Teacher Activation and Preview

    1. Basic Trigonometry video from Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org/math/geometry/hs-geo-trig/hs-geo-trig-ratios-intro/v/basic-trigonometry

    2.  Finding-Trigonometric-Ratios.pdf is PDF file worksheet: This resource was downloaded from Kuta Software. The teacher will need to make copies for all students unless the teacher is using Google classroom.

    3. Writing ratios for sine, cosine, and tangent from Khan Academy


    4. PowerPoint for the bell ringer and the exit slip

    5. Worksheet for the accelerated students: Copies need be made for students that finish early.

    Students will need one sheet of paper and a pencil.

    Technology Resources Needed

    Interactive whiteboard with computer/projector for the teacher and the students

    iPad, Chromebooks, or MacBooks for each student for intervention (revisiting websites) and submitting classwork on Google classroom

    Wi-Fi and Google classroom for all students and teacher

    Calculators with trig functions for all students