Yellow Journalism

Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Subject Area

Social Studies




In this lesson, students will describe causes of involvement of the United States in Wold War I by defining yellow journalism, and its effect on the United States becoming involved in a war with Spain over its territories in the Caribbean Sea and the Philippine Islands. By viewing primary source documents of newspaper articles from Alabama, the students will make judgments as to the effectiveness of the newspaper articles.

This lesson was created as a part of the Alabama History Education Initiative, funded by a generous grant from the Malone Family Foundation in 2009.

AuthorInformation: Ronald Shephard (Cohort 2: 2010-2011)
Central High School Phenix City Schools Phenix City, AL

Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 11 - United States History II


Describe causes, events, and the impact of military involvement of the United States in World War I, including mobilization and economic and political changes. [A.1.a., A.1.b., A.1.d., A.1.f., A.1.i., A.1.j., A.1.k.]



  • World War I
  • Treaty of Versailles
  • mobilization
  • imperialism
  • nationalism
  • militarism
  • nativism
  • fascist


Students know:
  • The causes, events, and the impact of military involvement of the United States in World War I.
  • Social and political changes and attitudes in the United States related to involvement in World War I, including: American neutrality, mobilization, economic changes, and political changes.
  • The role of imperialism, militarism, nationalism, nativism, and the alliance system in World War I.
  • Geographical and political boundaries of Europe and the Middle East, pre- and post-World War I.
  • Controversies over the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and the League of Nations.
  • Short- and long-term effects of the Treaty of Versailles.


Students are able to:
  • Explain the changing role of the United States during specific historical periods and in relationship to specific historical events.
  • Describe the effects of political and social movements and ideologies.
  • Analyze the social and political causes, events, and impact of specific historical events.
  • Identify geographical and political changes related to specific historical events.
  • Analyze controversies related to political policies, plans, and agreements.
  • Analyze primary and secondary sources.
  • Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.


Students understand that:
  • There were many causes and effects of the United States' military involvement in World War I and these had significant social, political, and economic impact on the United States.

Primary Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to describe causes and consequences of the Spanish-American War.
  • Students will define yellow journalism with emphasis on how this journalistic method played a role in bringing the United States to war with Spain.


Additional Learning Objective(s)

Students will write a newspaper article using the elements of yellow journalism.



Engagement/Motivation Activity:
Teachers will assign the following:
Think of an event that has happened during your life that made you think the United States government should take a particular action. Share your response with another student.


Step 1- Project and read Alabama newspaper article from 1898 on the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba (Q25033-Q25034). Then project and read the New York Journal article found at: If you are unable to project this article, a transcription of the article is attached, as well as a digital copy of the front page.

Step 2- Ask the students what emotions were triggered by reading these articles and why. Allow time for discussion.

Step 3- Explain and define the term yellow journalism. Clarify that yellow journalism was sensationalized reporting designed to cause an emotional reaction in people. Be sure that students understand that newspapers were the medium in 1898.
There were no other means of mass communication.

Step 4- Using the attached T-square critical thinking chart, have the students make a judgment as to whether or not the articles could be classified as yellow journalism.


The students will write a newspaper article using yellow journalism techniques, with the aim of making readers want to go to war with Spain.  The article will be graded using the attached rubric.


Engagement/Motivation Activity:
Teachers will assign the following:
Think of an event that has happened during your life that made you think the United States government should take a particular action. Share your response with another student.


Step 1- Project and read Alabama newspaper article from 1898 on the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba (Q25033-Q25034). Then project and read the New York Journal article found at: If you are unable to project this article, a transcription of the article is attached, as well as a digital copy of the front page.

Step 2- Ask the students what emotions were triggered by reading these articles and why. Allow time for discussion.

Step 3- Explain and define the term yellow journalism. Clarify that yellow journalism was sensationalized reporting designed to cause an emotional reaction in people. Be sure that students understand that newspapers were the medium in 1898.
There were no other means of mass communication.

Step 4- Using the attached T-square critical thinking chart, have the students make a judgment as to whether or not the articles could be classified as yellow journalism.


The students will write a newspaper article using yellow journalism techniques, with the aim of making readers want to go to war with Spain.  The article will be graded using the attached rubric.

Assessment Strategies

The students will be assessed on the newspaper article using the attached rubric.


Students can research and identify or provide current examples of yellow journalism.


Direct students to the emotion-laden words in the article, list them, and discuss the power of those words.

Total Duration

31 to 60 Minutes


  • The Spanish-American War era is an interesting period of time in which two Alabamians, such as ‘Fightin' Joe Wheeler and Richmond Pearson Hobson played important roles.  You may want to read pages 337-342 of Alabama: The History of a Deep South State for extensive information regarding the impact of the Spanish-American War on Alabama (see bibliographic information below). The Encyclopedia of Alabama provides excellent biographical information on Joseph Wheeler, a powerful and outspoken advocate for the war in the U. S. House of Representatives.

Rogers, William W., Robert D. Ward, Leah Rawls Atkins, and Wayne Flynt. Alabama: The History of a Deep South State. 1st edition. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 1994. 337-342.

  • The following Web site from the Library of Congress provides a complete history of the Spanish- American War: The World of 1898.

The Crucible of Empire, PBS Web site:   

  • Prior to this lesson the teacher will have provided background information on the economic situation in Cuba and on the United States' relationship with this small Caribbean nation.
The teacher will have also presented information about Cuba being a Spanish colony and how badly the people of Cuba had been treated by Spain. An excellent Web site providing background information on the Spanish-American War and yellow journalism can be found at The Crucible of Empire The Spanish-American War by PBS.

Materials and Resources

  • T-square critical thinking chart
  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Assessment rubric
  • USS Maine newspaper articles

Technology Resources Needed

  • Computer
  • Projector screen
  • LCD projector

Approved Date
