Play the noise of a smoke detector using an online video. The teacher can then ask the students if they know what that sound means (get out there's a fire!). The class can have an open discussion of what to do if there is a fire at home or at school. The teacher can make an anchor chart either on an Interactive Whiteboard, chart paper, or dry-erase board of the steps to take in a fire.
The teacher can tell students that we don't want a fire to happen, but we should be ready and know what to do. What is an emergency? Call on several students to share. What are some emergencies we might have in our area? Remind students that emergencies can not be planned for, but we can be prepared when they happen.
The best thing for an emergency is to be prepared ahead of time and remain calm. One way to be prepared is to have an emergency kit. Another way to be prepared is to have a safe place to go in bad weather.
Turn and talk to your partner: What do you think is the most important thing to have in an emergency kit?
The teacher can call on students to share what they think is most important to have in an emergency kit and list them on the board or Interactive White Board.
Allow students time to make a list of ways to prepare for an emergency that will force you out of your homes such as a flood, tornado, or fire or a list of things to have packed in an emergency kit. Give students 2-3 minutes to brainstorm and write their ideas down.
Lead the students in an open discussion and make a class list of how to be prepared for an emergency.
This list might include some of the following:
- Phone numbers of family members written down (cell phones might not work)
- A safe place to meet
- What to do if you can't find your Mom or Dad
- Prepare and know where an emergency kit is in your house
- Make an emergency kit for in the car
- Bring your favorite stuffed animal to comfort you
- Go to a storm shelter or safe place
The teacher will tell students that they will be teachers today and teach others about what to do in an emergency. They can choose how they want to present their information. The choices include a commercial, a skit, a song, or a poster.
Divide the students into pairs or groups of 3 or 4. Students can work in table groups or divide each table into pairs (assuming tables are groups of 4 or 6).
After students have written their ideas down, instruct them to choose one of the presentation options (commercial, skit, song, or poster). Give each group a requirement list to use as they work.
Allow students time to create their presentation. When all groups are finished, allow students to present to the class.
Students may also visit the FEMA website for ideas on what to include.
As students finish, allow them to visit the Disaster Master Game or Build a Kit Game.