Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Country Investigations using the Human Development Index

Subject Area

Social Studies




Students will use the United Nations Human Development Index database to research a country's standard of living. Students will use research to explain the factors resulting in that country's social and economic development. Specifically, students will research for the "ingredients" of economic growth - human capital, physical capital, labor productivity, technology, infrastructure, natural resources, political stability, etc. Then, students will prepare a one-page Google Doc report on the country.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 12 - Economics


    Explain that a country’s standard of living depends upon its ability to produce goods and services.

    Unpacked Content



    • gross domestic product (GDP)
    • nominal GDP
    • real per capita GDP
    • GDP deflator
    • Bureau of Economic Analysis
    • productivity
    • input
    • output
    • Rule of 70


    Students know:
    • The four components of the expenditure approach to GDP.
    • How productivity is calculated.
    • How productivity can be increased.
    • The factors that lead to economic growth.


    Students are able to:
    • Calculate GDP.
    • Use a GDP deflator to calculate real GDP.


    Students understand that:
    • The BEA categorizes the four components of the expenditure approach to GDP.
    • Investment leads to increased productivity and economic growth.
    • Increases in productivity lead to a higher standard of living
    • There are specific factors that lead to increased productivity.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    Students will explain a country's standard of living by researching that country to determine factors affecting the standard of living. 



    Display the Human Development Index (HDI) table for students. Explain what the HDI is and what it measures. Engage students in a discussion on standard of living by focusing on a few countries. Look at the data for a country with a high HDI, such as Switzerland. Discuss what it means for this country to have a high standard of living. Ask students to speculate on how Switzerland has achieved this. Then, look at a country with a low HDI, such as Rwanda. Ask students to speculate on why Rwanda has such a low standard of living. This is a good time to review with students important vocabulary, such as physical capital, natural resources, human capital, productivity, etc.

    Discuss the meaning of other statistics on the HDI table, such as life expectancy and gross national income.


    Place students in pairs and allow them to set up their computers/tablets. Students will then select a country from the Human Development Index and discuss that country's ranking and other data.

    Students will conduct internet research on their country in order to explain that country's standard of living as reflected in the HDI. They will need to research the following factors at a minimum:

    • Natural Resources
    • Education
    • Infrastructure
    • Physical Capital
    • Productivity
    • Exports
    • Industry
    • Political climate


    After conducting research, students will compile their information into a Country Report on a Google Doc or similar word processor. The purpose is to explain to the class the country's standard of living and the factors contributing to it. The report should be brief and take the form of a bulleted list, chart, or graphic organizer. Each country report will also need to contain a map.

    Student pairs will present their findings to the class by sharing their reports. Engage students in a discussion on the common factors leading to growth and a high standard of living and the common factors leading to a low standard of living.

    Assessment Strategies

    - Informal assessment through class discussion of factors leading to economic growth.

    - Assess understanding of factors contributing to economic growth and standard of living through the Country Report. Use the Rubistar rubric.


    Students may choose to create a graph comparing two or more countries':

    natural resources






    physical capital


    • Students may be provided with websites to guide their research instead of having to complete research entirely on their own.
    • Students may be given prompts to guide the creation of their country report.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    91 to 120 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    - Students should have a basic understanding of the factors leading to economic development in a country. A great article for background reading for the students or teacher is Page One Economics, "Ingredients of Economic Growth." The article also has an excellent list of vocabulary related to economic growth.

    - Teacher should read the background reading, What is the HDI?

    - Students will be working in pairs for this lesson. You may choose to assign these ahead of time.


    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    Copies of rubric

    Technology Resources Needed

    - Internet access

    - Teacher computer

    - Projector

    - Student computer or tablet

    - Google Docs or similar Word Processor

    - Access to the Human Development Index