You Have the Right to Remain Silent!

Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Subject Area

Social Studies




In this lesson, students will watch a video on Miranda rights and the Bill of Rights.  Students will discuss rights they think should have been included in the Miranda.  Then students will rewrite the Miranda and create a presentation with VoiceThread.

Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 7 - 7th Grade: Civics


Explain the importance of juvenile, adult, civil, and criminal laws within the judicial system of the United States.



  • juvenile
  • civil law
  • criminal law
  • rights
  • Bill of Rights
  • rule of law
  • state
  • federal
  • local
  • court
  • offense
  • felony
  • misdemeanor
  • jail
  • prison
  • juvenile detention center


Students know:
  • The similarities and differences between civil and criminal law.
  • The structure of the juvenile court system.
  • The rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.


Students are able to:
  • Use primary source documents to justify the actions of courts.


Students understand that:
  • Laws are different for adults and juveniles and that there are separate civil and criminal laws and courts.

Primary Learning Objectives

The students will be able to explain the rights of citizens as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights by analyzing the Fifth and Sixth Amendments and Miranda Rights.



Review why the Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution.  Complete the close read activity on the Fifth and Sixth amendments (attachments). 


Show the Miranda Video

Discuss the Miranda Video.  Review Fifth and Sixth Amendments and Miranda Video.


Separate students into groups and have students rewrite the Miranda Rights. They should reconstruct the document to include rights they think should have been included in the original Miranda Rights.  Students will then create a  presentation on Voicethread  of their rewritten Miranda Rights.  Students will present their presentations to the class.

*Alternative to Voicethread Presentation *

Students will write their rewritten Miranda Rights on a chart, notebook, or construction paper and present to the class. Projects can be displayed outside of the classroom to provide students with the opportunity to impact a larger audience.


Review why the Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution.  Complete the close read activity on the Fifth and Sixth amendments (attachments). 


Show the Miranda Video

Discuss the Miranda Video.  Review Fifth and Sixth Amendments and Miranda Video.


Separate students into groups and have students rewrite the Miranda Rights. They should reconstruct the document to include rights they think should have been included in the original Miranda Rights.  Students will then create a  presentation on Voicethread  of their rewritten Miranda Rights.  Students will present their presentations to the class.

*Alternative to Voicethread Presentation *

Students will write their rewritten Miranda Rights on a chart, notebook, or construction paper and present to the class. Projects can be displayed outside of the classroom to provide students with the opportunity to impact a larger audience.

Assessment Strategies

Teacher will conduct formative assessment through close reading activity.

Teacher will conduct summative assessment by utilizing the attached rubric for the VoiceThread project.


Distribute the attached scenarios. Have students read each scenario and decide if Miranda Rights are necessary in each case. Students can discuss their findings with a partner or provide a written response.


Students needing extra assistance can be provided with a simplified text of the Fifth and Sixth amendments. Students can also work closely with a peer in their assigned group.

Total Duration

91 to 120 Minutes


Teacher should review with students why the Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution.

Teacher should review the Miranda video and Miranda Rights with students.

Teacher should be familiar with Voicethread .

Teacher should review the Fifth and Sixth Amendments.

Materials and Resources

1. Copies of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments

2. Chart Paper (if internet access is not available)

3. Close reading questions (See Attachment)

Technology Resources Needed

1. Miranda Video

2.  internet connected device

3. Voicethread  


Approved Date
