1. Review with students the meaning of what a character is and describe what is a character trait.
2. Review parts of the book, Charlotte's Web, by calling on several people to review what has happened in the last chapter.
3. Today, we are going to discuss some of the main characters of the story. Call on several students to discuss the main characters. (Charlotte, Wilbur, Fern, Templeton, Henry, Uncle, and Some of the other Animals.)
4. List the main characters on the board. Students should be in their groups taking notes.
5. Call on students to describe one character trait for each character. "What is a character trait of Wilbur?" Students may answer that he is fearful or lonely.
6. After describing one character trait for each character, assign a character to each group.
7. The group will then brainstorm character traits by using a graphic organizer.
8. Once students are finished brainstorming, they will proceed to the computers.
9. Students must complete a slideshow presentation with at least 4 slides of character traits for each character. Include in the slides a sentence from the book that describes the character trait of the character.
10. Ensure students that creativity, neatness, and hard work will be noticed throughout the project.
11. After completing the slides, the group will share their presentation with the class.
12. Once everyone has presented to the class, allow students to head back to their seats and watch a short video on the sequence of events: http://youtu.be/ZEWitdYB6_Y.
13. Review with the class what is an event. Also, review with the class some different types of things that have sequences.
14. Students will work with their group to create a timeline booklet of their character's sequence of events throughout the story. Inside the booklet, students must include 6 main events. Each page must include a 2-3 sentence of the main event plus a picture.
15. Display and discuss an example of a timeline on the board for students to see.
16. In closure, review with students what is a character. Head back to the list on the board and add more character traits to the characters' names.
17. Review 2-3 characters' timelines with the class. Discuss with the students, "Did this event happen before this major event?" -yes, no?