Socratic Seminar About Non-Conformity

Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Subject Area

English Language Arts




Students will participate in a Socratic Seminar to discuss the idea of non- conformity as a relative theme in the novel Stargirl. Students will refer to text annotations and class discussions (completed TPFASTT optional) to make contributions to the student-led discussion.  

This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 6


Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.



  • Active listening
  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Rules
  • Participation


Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • How to engage in discussions and conversations in a variety of settings.
  • Agreed-upon rules for participation.


Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings.
  • Converse in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
  • Practice the agreed-upon rules for participation.


Students understand that:
  • Conversations and discussions follow agreed-upon rules which help us actively listen and gain understanding.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 6


Participate in collaborative discussions using information from a source.



  • Collaborative discussions
  • Source


Students know:
  • The purpose of collaborative discussions using information from a source.
  • Collaborative discussions occur when participants actively listen, build on others' ideas, and ask clarifying questions.
  • Generally accepted rules for discussions.


Students are able to:
  • Engage in a collaborative discussion.
  • Use information from a source to support their discussion.


Students understand that:
  • Information they learn from a source can support collaborative discussions.

Primary Learning Objectives

Students will be able to lead and participate in a student led formal discussion based on the theme of non-conformity as a culminating activity to the reading of Stargirl. Students will establish group norms to follow during the discussion, and will prepare text related questions, using question stems, to bring to the discussion. Students will cite textual evidence to support contributions to the discussion using the actual text. (TPFASTT is optional).


Before Activity

  1. (Day 1) Introduce the seminar and its purpose (to facilitate a deeper understanding of the idea of non-conformity). Explain to the students that the responsibility of the quality of the discussion will be their responsibility that this is not a debate and there are no right answers. They are encouraged to think out loud and to exchange ideas openly using their knowledge of the text and their ideas about non-conformity.
  2. Establish group discussion norms. Ask students what behaviors should be exhibited during the discussion. Record ideas and then identify the set to be used. 

Possible Norms for Socratic Seminar:

·  Don't raise your hand to speak.

·  Listen carefully and respectfully consider other ideas/comments.

·  Don't be afraid to speak up/out; use an inside voice.

·  Stay focused on the topic; refrain from making irrelevant comments.

·   Base opinions on the text using textual evidence to support your ideas.

·   Equal opportunity to join the discussion.

·   Stay seated, and make eye contact.

·   Practice self-control and keep negative comments to yourself.

  1. Provide students with question stems to formulate the questions they will bring to the discussion. Stems can be posted in your preferred learning management system for accessibility. Students should also review their completed TPFASTT graphic organizer (if used during the reading) to serve as a reminder about class discussions relating to the text and the idea of nonconformity (see attached template).Possible sentence stems include:

What puzzles me is...

I'd like to talk with people about...

I'm confused about...

Don't you think this is similar to...

I have questions about...

Another point of view is...

Do you think...

What does it mean when the author says...

Do you agree that...

During Activity

  1. (Day 2) Review established norms with the class. Norms may be posted on the interactive whiteboard with initial key questions. 
  2. Pass out to each student the Discussion Partner Evaluation sheet. Student names should be pre-written on each.
  3. The teacher should be seated at the level of the students and remind the students to address each other not you.
  4. Pose the key question(s). Encourage students to relate their statements to the reading. If students get off track, refocus them on the opening key questions.

Key Questions:

    • Do you, as a reader, like Stargirl? If you were a student at MAHS, would you reach out to her as Dori Dilson does, or reject her as Hillari Kimble does? Do you think the students of Mica High are ultimately too harsh with Stargirl?
    • Popularity, fitting in, and "sameness" are all key themes in Stargirl. Find places in the novel that deal with these themes and discuss. Do you think Stargirl ever wants to be popular? How might she define popularity?
  1. Once the opening key questions have been discussed, encourage students to enter their questions into the discussion. You may use talking chips (each student is allotted a number of chips to use when they make a contribution) to even participation. Invite reluctant students to join in. Remember to help students converse with each other not the teacher.  All questions and contributions need to be directed to the group, not the teacher.
  2. As the session comes to a close, it can be helpful to summarize the main points of the discussion, either at a quiet point or at the end of the determined time allotted.

After Activity

Close the class by allowing each student to complete the rubric for peer evaluation on the Socratic Seminar discussion. After a few minutes or as they complete the evaluation, each student should receive his or her evaluation to review and reflect on their own participation. Students should be encouraged to give verbal feedback as well (see attachment).

Before Activity

  1. (Day 1) Introduce the seminar and its purpose (to facilitate a deeper understanding of the idea of non-conformity). Explain to the students that the responsibility of the quality of the discussion will be their responsibility that this is not a debate and there are no right answers. They are encouraged to think out loud and to exchange ideas openly using their knowledge of the text and their ideas about non-conformity.
  2. Establish group discussion norms. Ask students what behaviors should be exhibited during the discussion. Record ideas and then identify the set to be used. 

Possible Norms for Socratic Seminar:

·  Don't raise your hand to speak.

·  Listen carefully and respectfully consider other ideas/comments.

·  Don't be afraid to speak up/out; use an inside voice.

·  Stay focused on the topic; refrain from making irrelevant comments.

·   Base opinions on the text using textual evidence to support your ideas.

·   Equal opportunity to join the discussion.

·   Stay seated, and make eye contact.

·   Practice self-control and keep negative comments to yourself.

  1. Provide students with question stems to formulate the questions they will bring to the discussion. Stems can be posted in your preferred learning management system for accessibility. Students should also review their completed TPFASTT graphic organizer (if used during the reading) to serve as a reminder about class discussions relating to the text and the idea of nonconformity (see attached template).Possible sentence stems include:

What puzzles me is...

I'd like to talk with people about...

I'm confused about...

Don't you think this is similar to...

I have questions about...

Another point of view is...

Do you think...

What does it mean when the author says...

Do you agree that...

During Activity

  1. (Day 2) Review established norms with the class. Norms may be posted on the interactive whiteboard with initial key questions. 
  2. Pass out to each student the Discussion Partner Evaluation sheet. Student names should be pre-written on each.
  3. The teacher should be seated at the level of the students and remind the students to address each other not you.
  4. Pose the key question(s). Encourage students to relate their statements to the reading. If students get off track, refocus them on the opening key questions.

Key Questions:

    • Do you, as a reader, like Stargirl? If you were a student at MAHS, would you reach out to her as Dori Dilson does, or reject her as Hillari Kimble does? Do you think the students of Mica High are ultimately too harsh with Stargirl?
    • Popularity, fitting in, and "sameness" are all key themes in Stargirl. Find places in the novel that deal with these themes and discuss. Do you think Stargirl ever wants to be popular? How might she define popularity?
  1. Once the opening key questions have been discussed, encourage students to enter their questions into the discussion. You may use talking chips (each student is allotted a number of chips to use when they make a contribution) to even participation. Invite reluctant students to join in. Remember to help students converse with each other not the teacher.  All questions and contributions need to be directed to the group, not the teacher.
  2. As the session comes to a close, it can be helpful to summarize the main points of the discussion, either at a quiet point or at the end of the determined time allotted.

After Activity

Close the class by allowing each student to complete the rubric for peer evaluation on the Socratic Seminar discussion. After a few minutes or as they complete the evaluation, each student should receive his or her evaluation to review and reflect on their own participation. Students should be encouraged to give verbal feedback as well (see attachment).

Assessment Strategies

Formative assessment of teacher observation while students are engaged in the discussion.

Formative assessment of rubric for peer evaluation - Discussion Partner Evaluation


Students can use the Socratic Seminar to discuss other issues relative to the teen world today.


For students who may need extra support, allow them to use a copy of an annotated text or a completed TPFASTT during the discussion.

Total Duration

61 to 90 Minutes


In a Socratic Seminar, the students will facilitate the quality of discussion using teacher-prepared questions to begin the dialogue and then moving to questions students have prepared to deepen the discussion. All students should read the entire novel and have prepared questions to bring to the discussion relative to the central idea of non-conformity; a completed TPFASTT/graphic organizer is a helpful resource for reluctant participants. The classroom should be arranged so that students can look at each other directly, a circle or square works well.  Discussion norms should be discussed by the class and posted. Initial key questions should be posted.

Materials and Resources

Copies of the text Stargirl for each student

Completed TPFASTT graphic organizer (optional)

Question Stems

Rubric for peer evaluation

Technology Resources Needed

Laptop, Interactive whiteboard

Approved Date
