Nets: Message in a Box

Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Subject Area





In cooperative/collaborative groups, students will compare and contrast a two-dimensional pattern and a three-dimensional shape. Students will use a net to label and then construct a rectangular prism. Students will find the surface area of a rectangular prism. As a final performance task, students will create a message box. 

Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 6


Determine the surface area of three-dimensional figures by representing them with nets composed of rectangles and triangles to solve real-world and mathematical problems.



  • Nets
  • Surface area
  • Rectangular prism
  • Triangular prism
  • Square pyramid
  • Rectangular pyramid
  • Triangular pyramid


Students know:
  • Measurable attributes of objects, specifically area and surface area.
  • Strategies for representing the surface area of a 3-D shape as a 2-D net.


Students are able to:
  • Communicate the relationships between rectangular models of area and multiplication problems.
  • Model the surface area of 3-D shapes using 2-D nets.
  • Accurately measure and compute area of triangles and rectangles.
  • Strategically and fluently choose and apply strategies for finding surface areas of 3-D figures.


Students understand that:
  • Area is additive.
  • Surface area of a 3-D shape is represented by the sum of the areas of the faces of the object.
  • Models represent measurable attributes of objects and help to solve problems.

Primary Learning Objectives

Key Concept:  Two-dimensional shapes can be assembled to form three-dimensional figures.

Key Math Vocabulary:
• Rectangle – A parallelogram with four right angles.
• Rectangular Prism – A polyhedron whose bases are rectangles and whose other faces are rectangles.
• Net – An arrangement of two-dimensional figures that can be folded to form a polyhedron.
• Polyhedron – A three-dimensional figure in which all the surfaces or faces are polygons.
• Polygon – A closed plan figure formed by three or more line segments that intersect only at their endpoints.
• Surface Area – The sum of the areas of the faces, or surfaces, of a three – dimensional figure.

Additional Learning Objective(s)

Message Box: Nets
Student Outcome: Students will create nets for a rectangular prism. Students will find the volume and the surface area of the rectangular prism.


As students enter the classroom, the teacher will hand each student a colored card.  Students will be assigned to groups according to the color of the card.  Students should be in groups of four.

Before:  (Activate prior knowledge) 3 to 5 minutes

Handout a t-chart for students to list and sort two-dimensional and three-dimensional examples.

Show video on two-dimensional and three-dimensional examples. ( examples of 24 nets)

During:  (Actively engage students)  The teacher give the students the two performance tasks:


Follow the steps to complete the performance task.

Rectangular Prism: Centimeter Grid Paper
Performance Task I: (5cm X 6cm X 4cm)
1. Label the dimensions (on the inside).
2. Cut out the provided rectangular prism net.
3. ( length = 5cm, width = 6cm, height = 4cm) = 5cm X 6cm X 4cm
4. The formula to find the volume of a rectangular prism is: V=lwh
5. The volume of this rectangular prism is __
6. The formula to find the surface area of a rectangular prism is:
SA = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh
7. Find the surface area of this rectangular prism.
8. Show your work.

Performance Task II:
1. Draw a net for a rectangular prism.
2. Use the following dimensions:
6cm X 4cm X 2cm.
3. Label the three dimensions.
4. What is the formula to find the volume of a rectangular prism? 
5. Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 
6. What is the formula to find the surface area of the rectangular prism? 
7. Find the surface area of the rectangular prism.

Activity Learning Objectives

*Students can participate in a conversation about their opinions on films and their interests using a variety of phrases and simple sentences.

*Students can use the target language to describe movies in the target culture and identify those which interest them personally.

Activity Assessment Strategies

*Informally assess whether the students are able to carry on a conversation with their partner about film preferences, using complete sentences with details, by moving around the room and listening in to make sure each pair is speaking in the target language about their opinions of the movies.

*Informally assess if the students are able to complete the conversation about their opinions on the movies with their partners by checking their graphic organizers for completion.

Activity Acceleration and Intervention

Activity Learning Objectives

  • Students will convert among different units of measurement within the customary system to solve real-world problems. 
  • Students will convert among different units of measurement within the metric system to solve real-world problems. 
  • Students will determine the appropriate unit of measurement for a given object. 

Activity Assessment Strategies

Students should be able to use the skills obtained in the lesson and practiced in the interactives to solve real-world problems. Assess student mastery with a combination of skills in isolation, and then through application such as this activity.

Activity Acceleration and Intervention

Assessment Strategies

After:  (Assessment)

Performance Task III will be used to assess for enduring understanding. Rubric included on the Performance Task III card.  In addition, a writing component is at the end of the Performance Task III card.


Printable nets: 2D patterns for 3D shapes

This interactive tool allows you to learn about various geometric solids and their properties. You can manipulate and color each shape to explore the number of faces, edges, and vertices.

Writing Component:  After students have completed Performance Task III, they can write message to their classmates and put their message in the boxes.  


Video on 2-D patterns and the 3-D shapes they create.  This is a Youtube video.  If the school system blocks Youtube videos, the teacher may download the video for free at

Videos, worksheets, stories and songs to help Grade 5 to Grade 8 students learn how to draw and recognize nets for 3-dimensional shapes.

Total Duration

61 to 90 Minutes


Prior knowledge formula:  Area = Length times Width

Students should discover the following formula for finding the surface area of a rectangular prism:  Math formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism:  2lh + 2lw + 2wh, or 2(lh + lw = wh)   l = length; h = height; w = width

Materials and Resources

• Rectangular prism net
• Glue or tape
• Scissors
Grid paper – centimeter squares
• Straight edge
• Large grid paper – one inch squares
• Scrapbook paper = 12in X 12in sheets or heavy paper

Technology Resources Needed




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