Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Recognizing the Value of Cultural Influence in Literature, Group Evaluation


Following an introduction to the CULTURE model lesson, this lesson will allow students to work with a partner to evaluate the speaker of work in terms of the CULTURE acronym. The follow-up activities in this learning activity will work to connect elements of the text to the cultural reflections students made regarding the speaker. Student observations are recorded on graphic organizers.

This learning activity can be used as a stand-alone activity but is best used as a During Activity, the Before and After Activities can be found in the Tools or Recommendations section.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


    Analyze how an author’s cultural perspective influences style, language, and themes.

    Unpacked Content



    • Cultural perspective
    • Style
    • Language
    • Theme


    Students know:
    • An author's cultural perspective influences the style, language, and themes of their work.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify the style, language, and theme of text.
    • Analyze how an author's cultural perspective influenced their work's style, language, and theme.


    Students understand that:
    • An author's cultural perspective affects word choice, style, theme, and other aspects of a text.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will evaluate a source based on questioning and discussion strategies related to the CULTURE acronym to determine the impact that an author's cultural perspective influences style, language, and themes.

    Students will describe the connection between the author's cultural perspective and theme, style, and language. 

    Activity Details

    1. Following the presentation of the CULTURE model, teachers will group students to evaluate sources based on their prior experience with the model. Two sources are provided in the Slide Show. Teachers may choose to have different groups evaluate different sources, or they may choose to have each group evaluate both.
    2. Teachers may make the Slide Show and Infographic available for student use and reference.
    3. Students will work in groups of two to three (teacher's choice) to complete the Graphic Organizer for one (or both) of the works on the Slide Show, slide 5 (NOTE: This Slide Show is Titled Group Activity.)
    4. Slide four can be used as a guideline for students as they work.
    5. Students will first use the CULTURE model to ask questions about the creator(s) and jot down notes on page one of the Graphic Organizer. Students may need to conduct outside research in completing this step.
    6. Students will then read and annotate the assigned work(s). They will then look at page two of the Graphic Organizer and make connections between the CULTURE model and the content of the work. Students will discuss their choices with their group as they proceed.
    7. Students will then move to page three of the Graphic Organizer where they will connect the information gathered on pages one and two and make observations regarding the author's culture and how it contributes to their use of language, their style, and their themes.
    8. Students will turn in their completed work to their teacher.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Students will be assessed on the following:

    1. Completion of CULTURE model evaluation of a source.
    2. Connections between the creator and the text made on the second page of the Graphic Organizer.
    3. Analysis of the work and how the CULTURE model was used to evaluate the author's style, language, and themes in the text.

    Variation Tips

    1. Teachers may modify slides and examples to fit their needs.
    2. Teachers may substitute the chosen texts for those that they feel are more suitable for their students, or those that align with a unit in their classes.
    3. Work may be done digitally or on paper.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    1. Save the Slide Show and graphic organizer in an accessible location.
    2. Share slide show and links with students for access.
    3. Copy graphic organizers.
    4. Share Infographic and make it available for student reference.
    5. Copy digital texts for close reading and annotation (if needed).
    6. Review materials.

    Digital Tools / Resources