Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Racing Around


This activity is a Google slideshow that includes a read-aloud of the book, Racing Around, by Stuart Murphy. Racing Around is a story to help students understand perimeter. While the story is being read, the students will watch as the character in the book has to determine the perimeter of the athletic field, zoo, and finally, Perimeter Path. After the story has been read, the students will be asked essential questions from the story.

    Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 3


    Solve real-world problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths and finding an unknown side length of rectangles.

    Unpacked Content



    • Attribute
    • Dimension
    • Perimeter
    • Polygon
    • Two-dimensional


    Students know:
    • Measurable attributes of objects, specifically perimeter.
    • Strategies for modeling measurement problems involving perimeter.
    • Strategies for representing and computing perimeter.


    The Students are able to:
    • Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons.
    • Find the perimeter of a figure given the side lengths.
    • Find an unknown side length of a polygon given the perimeter and one missing side length.


    Students understand that:
    • Perimeter is measured in length units and is the distance around a two-dimensional figure.
    • If all the sides of a polygon are equal, then the perimeter can be determined by multiplying one side length by the total number of sides.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The students will solve real-world problems involving finding the perimeter of polygons.

    Activity Details

    The teacher will display the slideshow, Racing Around. The students will watch the video of the read-aloud. After the video the teacher will ask the following essential questions:

    1. What is perimeter?
    2. How do we find perimeter?
    3. What are real-life examples of when we might need to find the perimeter of an object or area?
    4. What do we know about the dimensions of a rectangle? 
    5. What do we know about the dimensions of a square?

    These questions are included in the slideshow.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher will observe student responses to determine student understanding of the concept and skill. The teacher can use the following guidelines to ensure students meet the learning objective.

    Check that the student:

    1. can explain what perimeter is and how to how to find perimter.
    2. can list some real-life examples of when you would find the perimeter.

    Variation Tips

    The teacher may have to scaffold student thinking when working through the essential questions.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need a computer and projector to display the slideshow. The teacher may also use a copy of the book, Racing Around by Stuart Murphy.

    Digital Tools / Resources