Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

What Is Brand Strategy?

Subject Area

Career and Technical Education


9, 10, 11, 12


This activity will introduce students to the term "brand strategy." After learning the meaning of the term, students will identify their favorite brand and explain why they like the brand. Students will share their responses with classmates and discuss successful branding strategies. 

    Career and Technical Education (2021) Grade(s): 09-12 - Marketing


    Gather and share information on branding and brand positioning techniques and strategies.

    Career and Technical Education (2021) Grade(s): 09-12 - Marketing


    Gather and share information on branding as it relates to a business and its influence on consumers.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will gather and share information on branding and brand positioning strategies as it relates to a business and its influence on consumers. 

    Activity Details

    1. The teacher will show the video to the class (using a projector or individual student devices). 

    2. After showing the video, the teacher will ask the students to identify one of their favorite brands. Then, the teacher will ask students to describe why this brand is their favorite.

    3. The students will share their response by either writing it on a sticky note and sticking it to chart paper or by completing a digital response (such as this Jamboard).  

    4. After all students have completed their response, the teacher should explain that their response is a key component of branding strategy. (For example, in the video glossary, FedEx has built a successful brand strategy aimed at reliably delivering packages anywhere around the world the following day). Students can discuss their responses, if desired.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher will evaluate students' responses to ensure they were able to identify a brand and to describe why they like that brand. 


    After selecting their favorite brand and describing why it's their favorite (a successful brand strategy), students can select a brand they do not like and describe why they do not like the brand (an unsuccessful brand strategy). This contrast will encourage students to think deeply about successful and unsuccessful brand positioning strategies. 


    Provide students with a sentence stem for their response, such as:

    My favorite brand is ____________ because _________________.

    The teacher can provide additional examples if needed. 

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    0 to 15 Minutes

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Student Background Preparation: This is an introductory activity to branding and brand positioning strategies; there is no prerequisite knowledge required. 

    Teacher Background Preparation: 

    The teacher will:

    • preview the video glossary and associated Classroom Resource to become familiar with the activity's content.
    • select a method to display the video to the class. 
    • select a method for student response (digital or paper). If digital student response is selected, the teacher can make a copy of this Jamboard. An example response is included.

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    • Device to display video to the class (through a projector or individual student devices)
    • For student response: chart paper, sticky notes, and pencils or individual student devices

    Digital Tools / Resources