Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Start-n-Stop Final Check

Subject Area





In this activity, the teacher will use the checklist provided to assess students' mastery in rote counting from any given number other than 1. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): KG


    Count to 100 by ones beginning with any given number between 0 and 99.

    Unpacked Content



    • Count


    Students know:
    • how to rote count from 0 to 100 starting with any given number.


    Students are able to:
    • orally count.


    Students understand that:
    • Counting from 0 to 100 is a sequence and you can begin with any number.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will orally count to 100 by ones beginning with any given number within a known sequence other than the number 1 without skipping numbers, repeating numbers, or hesitating.

    Activity Details

    1. Teacher will give students a number to start with that is greater than 1 and ask the students to count on to the number 10.
    2. Teacher will use the checklist provided and place a checkmark for mastery in rote counting to 10 beginning with any number other than 1.
    3. If the student has trouble counting to 10, the teacher will write the number that the student stopped counting on in the correct sequence.
    4. When the student has mastered to 10, the teacher will give the student a number to start with that is greater than 1 and ask the student to count on to the number 20.
    5. Teacher will use the checklist provided and place a checkmark for mastery in rote counting to 20 beginning with any number other than 1.
    6. If the student has trouble counting to 20, the teacher will write the number that the student stopped counting on in the correct sequence.
    7. When the student has mastered to 20, the teacher will give the student a number to start with that is greater than 1 and ask the students to count on to the number 100.
    8. Teacher may use this checklist throughout the year until the student has mastered the standard of rote counting to 100 beginning from any given number other than 1.
    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Students should master rote counting to 10 before counting forward from a number other than 1.

    Students may have to begin with smaller numbers and progress to greater numbers.

    Teacher may limit how far the students count then increase the range to 100 when students are ready.

    Variation Tips

    Once your students have mastered orally counting to 100 by ones beginning with any given number other than 1, you can increase the rigor by requiring them to orally count by 10's to 100 beginning at any given number other than 10.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Make a copy of the teacher checklist from the link provided. Record all student names on the checklist before beginning to assess the students.

    Digital Tools / Resources