Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

That's Irregular

Subject Area

English Language Arts




The students will learn how to use irregular verbs in everyday speaking, listening, and writing. The students will use the digital tool in order to listen for irregular verbs and use them in the present and past tense.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 3


    Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of standard English grammar including punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation, and spelling appropriate for third grade.

    Unpacked Content



    • Demonstrate
    • Knowledge
    • Rules of standard English grammar
    • Punctuation
    • Capitalization
    • Sentence formation
    • Spelling


    Students know:
    • Standard English grammar and spelling conventions.
    • Punctuation marks and their appropriate usage.
    • Capitalization rules for standard English.
    • Complete sentences have a subject and predicate and end with an ending punctuation mark.


    Students are able to:
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of standard English grammar.
    • Use appropriate punctuation.
    • Use correct capitalization.
    • Form sentences correctly.
    • Spell third grade level words correctly.


    Students understand that:
    • There are rules to forming grammatically correct sentences in standard English.
    • When writing, they must use punctuation correctly, capitalize appropriate words, form complete sentences with subject-verb agreement, and spell the words that are appropriate for third graders.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 3


    Form plural nouns, verbs, and possessives, including irregular plural nouns and verbs.

    Unpacked Content



    • Form
    • Plural noun
    • Plural verb
    • Plural possessives
    • Irregular plural nouns
    • Irregular plural verbs


    • A plural shows there is more than one of something.
    • An -s or -es suffix is added to the end of regular nouns and verbs for subject-verb agreement and to form plurals.
    • Possessives show ownership and an apostrophe is used in the formation of possessives.
    • A plural possessive is used when a plural noun has ownership, or possession, of something.
    • Some nouns and verbs do not follow the regular pattern when forming a plural.


    • Form plural nouns, verbs, and possessives in writing.
    • Form irregular nouns and verbs in writing.


    • There are standard English grammar conventions to make nouns, verbs, and possessives plural, and following these conventions helps make their writing clear.
    • Some nouns and verbs do not form plurals in a regular way.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    I can use irregular verbs and sequence words in writing.

    Activity Details

    1. The teacher will show the YouTube video on the most common irregular verbs. Click on the link: Irregular verb

    2. The teacher will explain irregular verbs: A verb in which the past tense is not formed by adding the usual -ed ending. The teacher will give examples of irregular verbs: take/took/taken, say/said, make/made, feel/felt, tell/told, sing/sang/sung.
    3. The teacher will model for the students how to use irregular verbs in a sentence (For example, I will tell/told you about my life.  I took/take/taken a bath last night. I feel/felt tired, last night, after eating dinner.)
    4. The teacher will explain the present tense (what’s happening now) and past tense (what happened yesterday or last week, last month, etc.). Make a t-chart on the whiteboard and head the top of the t-chart present tense and past tense.
    5. The teacher will continue to model how to use irregular verbs in the present tense and past tense. For example: (Present tense) I would like to buy a snack. (Past tense) I bought a snack yesterday. (Present) I fell on the floor. (Past) I have fallen off the stool. Place the verb under the correct heading of the t-chart.
    6. The teacher will model for the students how to make a t-chart (the t-chart will be used for displaying irregular verbs). Ask the students to design the t-chart inside their Language Arts writing journals or on drawing/butcher paper.
    7. Ask the students to label one side of the t-chart as present tense and the other side as past tense.
    8. Write the following verbs on the whiteboard: went, come, told, felt, become, left, keep
    9. Ask the students: I spoke softly while walking in line. Please speak to your neighbor about the lesson.
    10. Ask the students which word would go underneath the heading for present tense and which word would go underneath the heading for past tense. Continue guided practice with the other irregular verbs.
    11. Show the video on irregular verbs and allow the students to use some of the irregular verbs by placing the correct form of the verb in the correct column.
    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher will check for understanding as the students place their chosen irregular verbs into the correct column.

    Variation Tips

    The students can use words from the t-chart to write a story using the irregular words.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher should familiarize themselves with the irregular verbs.

    Digital Tools / Resources