Reading Words With Consonant Digraphs

Subject Area

English Language Arts




In this small group activity, the teacher will guide students through decoding words spelled with consonant digraphs. Students will then decode isolated words and pseudo-words spelled with consonant digraphs with at least 97% accuracy.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


    Use knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences and word analysis skills to decode and encode words accurately.

    Unpacked Content



    • Decode
    • Encode
    • Phoneme-grapheme correspondences
    • Word-analysis skills


    Students know:
    • Phoneme (sound) to grapheme (letter or letters) correspondences to encode (spell) words accurately.
    • Grapheme (letter or letters) to phoneme (sound) correspondences to decode (read) words accurately.
    • Word-analysis skills.


    Students are able to:
    • Encode and decode words accurately using knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences.
    • Encode and decode words accurately using word analysis skills.


    Students understand that:
    • Mapping graphemes to phonemes is essential for learning to read or decode words efficiently.
    • Mapping phonemes to graphemes is essential for learning to spell or encode words efficiently.
    • Analyzing a word's structure helps to read and spell a word.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

    Activity Details

    1. Remind students of the sound-spelling correspondence for consonant digraphs. Write the consonant digraphs ch, sh, th, and wh on the board. Have each student touch each digraph and say its sound.

    2. Have students practice reading words with consonant digraphs using the tool Consonant Digraph Decoding Cards. Hold one card so that all students can see it. Model blending the sounds in the word. Have students join you as you repeat this process with 2-3 additional word cards. Finally, give each student 1-3 word cards to decode as you watch, listen, and assess.

    3. Have students choose one or more words to write and illustrate in a sentence.

    4. As students work independently, call each student individually to read from the tool Phonics Word Lists: Beginning Consonant Digraphs (real and nonsense words). Have each student read the first line from each of the digraph charts aloud. Mark miscues and debrief with the student. This assessment is not timed. Students have reached mastery of decoding words with consonant digraphs when they reach at least 97% accuracy on both real and pseudo-words.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Observe and mark miscues as students decode words from the Phonics Word Lists: Beginning Consonant Digraphs (real and nonsense words) tool. Mastery is achieved when students meet or exceed 97% accuracy reading words with consonant digraphs.

    Variation Tips

    Students with advanced decoding skills may be allowed to practice decoding words from additional rows of the charts.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Print and laminate word cards from the tool Consonant Digraph Decoding Cards.

    Print the tool Phonics Word Lists: Beginning Consonant Digraphs (real and nonsense words). This tool has been created with 3 copies of each chart per page. You may print enough to have one copy for each child, but you will only use the first line from each chart to assess. Therefore, you may wish to copy and paste the first line from each chart to create your own table for student assessment. Additionally, you will need to place one copy of the tool inside a plastic sleeve for student use during the assessment.