Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Impact of Computing on Community

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




This Google document has students do some basic research on who has internet or computer access in their community. They will be using the research to make a poster showing people in the community how to get access to technology.  They should be already familiar with the term "digital divide," if not it is in one of the references.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 5


    Share knowledge of resources in the community that can give people access to technology.

    Unpacked Content



    • wifi
    • shared technology


    Students know:
    • resources and locations that are available in the community that offer free wifi connectivity and/or acess to shared technology devices.


    Students are able to:
    • share locations in the community that offer technology access and what type of access and resources they offer in a variety of communication formats.


    Students understand that:
    • resources are available within the community to access wifi and/or use shared technology devices.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will gather information through a Google document and share knowledge by making a poster of resources in the community that gives people access to technology.

    Activity Details

    The students will answer several questions based on the digital divide, and create a poster to help community members get online access if they do not have it available at home. 

    The teacher should read the articles aloud with the class so that they can discuss as they go.

    The activity culminates with a poster to assist community members in getting online.

    The poster needs a catchy title and two sections: where to access both a computer and the internet and where to find free WiFi. Students can create the poster with apps they have learned to use in school (Publisher, Word, etc.), other apps available, or with markers and poster board.

    The poster specifically addresses the content standard to share knowledge of resources in the community that can give people access to technology.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher can grade based on the completion of the document they're sharing with students, and on the poster. Both are to be shared with the teacher but could be printed out. The poster can also be hand-drawn.  Instructions on poster creation are included in the G-doc.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need to share the Google document (a great way to use Google classroom), with students so that they can answer the questions and click the research links. Checking links is advisable in case they are not accessible within a school system.

    If computer access is not available, this document could be printed out along with the research links.

    Digital Tools / Resources