Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Weight Loss Pills: Fact or Fiction

Subject Area

Health Education




In this learning activity, students make an uninformed decision about the validity of diet pills. Then students watch an informational YouTube video describing the science behind diet pills. After watching the video and with a more informed frame of mind, students are asked would they like to change their previous decision.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    Health Education (2019) Grade(s): 8


    Analyze the validity of health claims made concerning health products and services.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The student will be able to analyze the validity of health claims made concerning weight loss supplements.

    Activity Details

    Prior to the lesson, distribute the green and red response cards. 

    1. To introduce the activity, the teacher will ask the students, "Will diet pills work for losing weight? Hold up your green response card if you agree and your red response card if you disagree."

    2. Observe the responses of the students.

    3.  The teacher will show the YouTube video Weight Loss Pills: Fact or Fiction from SciShow.

    4.  After watching the video, the teacher will ask the students again, "Now that we have a little bit more information, would anyone like to change their mind about diet pills? Let's hold up our response cards again. If you agree that diet pills work, hold up your green response card. If you disagree then hold up your red response card."


    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The students will respond with either the green or red response cards. This is a quick assessment to see if the students understand the concept of weight loss pills and how they work in the body.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need to make small green and red response cards out of red and green card stock and have them laminated prior to the lesson.

    Digital Tools / Resources