Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Talking to Fireflies

Subject Area





In this learning activity, students will visit the American Museum of Natural History website to learn about fireflies and how they communicate. They will compare the communication pattern of fireflies to Morse Code used by humans and practice communicating with fireflies through an interactive game. Finally, students will collaboratively create their own "code" to communicate with other students and send a message across the classroom using the Google Science Journal app. The Google Science Journal app gives real-time access to data from electronic motion, light, and sound sensors that are built into the device.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Gap Project.

    Science (2015) Grade(s): 4


    Develop and use models to show multiple solutions in which patterns are used to transfer information (e.g., using a grid of 1s and 0s representing black and white to send information about a picture, using drums to send coded information through sound waves, using Morse code to send a message).*

    Unpacked Content



    • transmit
    • transfer
    • decoded
    • accuracy
    • digitized
    • convert
    • coded
    • signals


    Students know:
    • About digitized information transfer. (e.g., information can be converted from a sound wave into digital signals such as patterns of 1s and 0s and vice versa; visual or verbal messages can be encoded in patterns of flashes of light to be decoded by someone else across the room).
    • Ways that high-tech devices convert and transmit information. (e.g., cell phones convert sound waves into digital signals, so they can be transmitted long distances, and then converted back into sound waves; a picture or message can be encoded using light signals to transmit the information over a long distance).
    • Information can be transmitted over long distances without significant degradation. High tech devices, such as computers or cell phones, can receive and decode information - convert form to voice - and vice versa.


    Students are able to:
    • Generate multiple design solutions that use patterns to transmit a given piece of information.
    • Apply the engineering design process to develop a model to show multiple solutions to transfer information.
    • Describe the given criteria for the design solutions.
    • Describe the given constraints of the design solutions, including the distance over which information is transmitted, safety considerations, and materials available.


    Students understand that:
    • Similarities and differences in the types of patterns used in the solutions to determine whether some ways of transmitting information are more effective than others and addressing the problem.

    Scientific and Engineering Practices

    Developing and Using Models

    Crosscutting Concepts



    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The students will collaboratively develop and use models to show multiple solutions when using patterns to transfer information.

    Activity Details

    Introduce the learning activity by visiting the following website with the students:  American Museum of Natural History. Together with the students, read through Flashy Fireflies and lead a discussion on the comparison of Morse Code to the communication of fireflies. As a whole class on the interactive whiteboard, complete the "Try It" section together under What's the Pattern? This section might take a couple of tries!  

    Place students in small groups (three students per group). Make sure each group has an internet connected device. Allow time for students to practice "Try It" under Talk to Fireflies. Each student in the group should have a turn "communicating" in this interactive game.

    Challenge the students to collaboratively (as a class) develop a communication pattern (their own code). Students need to develop a code for motion (vibration) such as hitting their fist on the desk, a code for sound such as clapping their hands or snapping their fingers, and a code for light such as using the flashlight. 

    Then, students will break off into small groups (three per group) and practice sending each other "signals" with one group sending the "code" and the other group using Google Science Journal to receive the "code". Students should practice all three types of "codes" (motion, sound, and light), then alternate sending and receiving their "codes".

    Teachers may want to show the students the following video about how to use the Google Science Journal if they are unfamiliar with this app.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Students should be assessed on successfully sending and receiving a motion, sound, and light "code" between their groups.  

    Variation Tips

    If students don't have access to internet connected devices, the interactive games can be done as a whole group activity and the groups can develop their "code" and communicate with each other using alternate methods such as flashlights, tapping their pencil on the desk, creating hand signals, mouth clicks, etc.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Teachers will need a projector, an interactive whiteboard, and internet connected computer to connect to the website. Students will need internet connected devices. The teacher should be familiar with the Google Science Journal app and with the interactive games on the American Museum of Natural History prior to completing this learning activity during class. The students should be familiar with the Google Science Journal app. Each group will also need a small flashlight.  

    Digital Tools / Resources