Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Crash Test Dummies

Subject Area





In this learning activity, students will use raw eggs and a shoe box to investigate how seat belts and airbags work together to save lives during a collision.  

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Gap Project.

    Science (2015) Grade(s): 4


    Use evidence to explain the relationship of the speed of an object to the energy of that object.

    Unpacked Content



    • Construct
    • Evidence
    • Energy
    • Explanation
    • Relative speed
    • Phenomenon


    Students know:
    • Motion can indicate the energy of an object.
    • The observable impact of a moving object interacting with its surroundings reflects how much energy can be transferred between objects and therefore relates to the energy of the moving object.
    • The faster a given object is moving the more observable the impact it can have on another object.
    • The speed of an object is related to the energy of the object.


    Students are able to:
    • Articulate from evidence to explain the observable impact of the speed of an object and the energy of an object.


    Students understand that:
    • Energy can be transferred in various ways and between objects.

    Scientific and Engineering Practices

    Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

    Crosscutting Concepts

    Energy and Matter
    Science (2015) Grade(s): 4


    Investigate to determine changes in energy resulting from increases or decreases in speed that occur when objects collide.

    Unpacked Content



    • collide
    • relative motion
    • relative speed
    • relative brightness
    • phenomenon
    • inertia
    • momentum


    Students know:
    • Qualitative measure of energy (e.g. relative motion, relative speed, relative brightness) before the collision.
    • Mechanism of energy transfer.
    • Energy can transfer between colliding objects.
    • Energy can transfer to the surrounding air when objects collide resulting in sound and heat.


    Students are able to:
    • Plan and carry out an investigation to determine changes in energy that occur when objects collide.
      • Identify the evidence to address the purpose of the investigation.
      • Collect the data.
    • Use data to provide evidence that energy is present whenever there are moving objects, sound, light, or heat and that it can be transferred from place to place.


    Students understand that:
    • Energy can be transferred in various ways and between objects.

    Scientific and Engineering Practices

    Planning and Carrying out Investigations

    Crosscutting Concepts

    Energy and Matter


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The students will:

    • investigate changes in energy that result when objects collide.
    • use evidence from their investigations to explain the relationship between the speed and energy of an object.

    Activity Details

    Introduce this learning activity by showing the video:  Crash Test Dummies, Seatbelts, Momentum, and Airbags.

    After watching the video, remind the students of Newton's first law of motion which states that a body in motion will stay in motion unless an outside force acts upon it.  Explain to the students that they will be conducting an investigation on the importance of seatbelts and airbags and demonstrate how they work together.  Place students in groups of 2 or 3 students per group.

    Distribute the materials:  (per group)

    • one shoe box (car)
    • 3 raw eggs (passengers)
    • masking tape (seatbelts)
    • 4-pint size Ziploc bags (airbags)
    • one wooden board to use as a ramp
    • one brick
    • 3 plastic grocery bags
    • science journals

    First, have the students build a ramp using the wooden board. Lean the board against a table or student desk and place the bricks at the end of the board to act as the "collision". It is important that all groups use the same height for their ramp each time they perform the experiment. Students will use the shoe box as their "car". Have the students line the shoebox with one of the plastic grocery bags before starting the experiment. Students will place one of their passengers (raw egg) in their car (shoe box) at the top of the ramp and release. Tell the students to observe what happens to the passengers (raw egg) and write their observations in their science journal. Remove the plastic grocery bag liner if there is a mess and replace it with a new liner and try the experiment again. This time add seatbelts (tape) to your passenger (raw egg). Have students write down their observations in their science journals. Students should again change out the plastic grocery bag liner in the shoebox and try the experiment again. This time, in addition to adding seatbelts (tape) to their passenger (raw eggs), they should add airbags (4 Ziploc bags) on all four sides of the egg inside the shoebox. What were the results of the collision this time using the airbags (Ziploc bags) and seatbelts (tape)?  

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Assess the learning activity with an exit ticket for each group with the following question:  Based on your investigation today, explain why it is important to wear your seat belts even if your car has airbags?

    Remind students to include their observations of the changes in energy that resulted from the collision and to explain the relationship between the speed and energy of an object.

    Variation Tips

    You may want to use hard-boiled eggs if this experiment is too messy for you.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    You will need a projector and a computer with Internet access to show the video. Remind students to wash their hands after handling raw eggs.

    Digital Tools / Resources