Research and analyze two different versions of the same drama/theatre story to determine differences and similarities in the visual and aural world of each version.
Research and analyze two different versions of the same drama/theatre story to determine differences and similarities in the visual and aural world of each version.
Unpacked Content
- Through theatre history research, a student can articulate connections between past theatre practices and their contemporary counterparts.
- Students will use the knowledge of the relationships between historical elements of theatre and contemporary theatre practice can inform and influence a production concept.
Essential Questions
EQ: In what ways can research into theatre histories, theories, literature, and performances alter the way a drama process or production is understood?
Skills Examples
- Students explore dramatizations and scenes from a variety of historical periods and cultures.
- Specific examples of theatrical productions stimulate understanding of the impact of society on theatre, and theatre's impact on society.
- Students will demonstrate their understanding of the historical practice of commedia dell 'arte by preparing a short presentation to include: Aspects of commedia dell 'arte: lazzi, scenarios, plot, specific stances and mannerisms of commedia dell 'arte characters. Character examples with their identified commedia dell 'arte counterparts: straight (young lovers); exaggerated (masters (Pantalone, Dottore, Capitano) and servants (Harlequin, Pulcinello, Brighella) Basic beginning, middle, end storyline of scene. Students will then apply the stock characters and scenarios to their favorite TV show or a well-known nursery rhyme. Students will complete both a written script and oral performance.