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Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




Molly's More or Less Quest is an interactive game that reads students a short word problem and asks the student to tell if the numbers are less than, greater than, or equal to that are given in the word problem. The numbers are visually displayed. When a student hovers over the word it also reads the word to them before clicking.

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS Resource Development Summit.

    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): KG


    Demonstrate use of input devices.

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    • mouse
    • keyboard
    • screen


    Students know:
    • input devices are used to manipulate computing devices or enter information.


    Students are able to:
    • use a mouse, keyboard, or other input device to navigate on computing devices and enter information.


    Students understand that:
    • they may need to use other pieces of equipment to navigate, select programs, or enter information into a computing device.
    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): KG


    Locate letters and numbers on the keyboard.

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    • keyboard
    • letters
    • numbers


    Students know:
    • where letters and numbers are located on a keyboard.


    Students are able to:
    • point to letters and numbers on a keyboard when prompted.
    • can type simple words using a keyboard.


    Students understand that:
    • the letters and numbers on a keyboard are the same on every standard English keyboard.
    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): KG


    Use a variety of digital devices, in both independent and collaborative settings.

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    Students know:
    • basic features of various digital devices.


    Students are able to:
    • use basic features of handheld/mobile devices collaboratively.
    • use basic features of handheld/mobile devices independently.
    • use basic features of desktops and laptops collaboratively.
    • use basic features of desktops and laptops independently.


    Students understand that:
    • they can interact with apps on handheld devices via touch.
    • they can access programs and software on computing devices.
    • they can enter information in various ways.
    Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): KG


    Orally identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater/more than, less/fewer than, or equal/the same as the number of objects in another group, in groups containing up to 10 objects, by using matching, counting, or other strategies.

    Unpacked Content



    • Compare
    • Greater than
    • More than
    • Less than
    • Fewer than
    • Equal


    Students know:
    • how to identify which number is larger and which number is smaller.
    • number word sequence.


    Students are able to:
    • Count sequentially.


    Students understand that:
    • a set of objects is either greater than, less than, or equal to another set of objects.
    Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): KG


    Compare two numbers between 0 and 10 presented as written numerals (without using inequality symbols).

    Unpacked Content



    • Relational thinking
    • Inequality symbols


    Students know:
    • how to identify which number is larger and which number is smaller with number 0 - 10.
    • number word sequence.


    Students are able to:
    • count sequentially.
    • Apply strategies for comparing numbers.


    Students understand that:
    • successive number names refer to quantities that are larger than the previous numbers in the counting sequence.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to identify if the number of one group of objects is greater than, less than, or equal to another group of objects.

    Students will be able to compare numbers between 1 and 10.

    Students will demonstrate the ability to use input devices such as a mouse, touch screen, and/or keyboard.

    Students will demonstrate the ability to locate letters and numbers on the keyboard while using the interactive game, "Molly's More or Less Quest".

    Students will be able to use a variety of digital devices independently or collaboratively. 

    Activity Details

    Whole Group Activity:

    1. The teacher will model for the students how to play the ABCya "Molly's More or Less Quest" interactive game to review the concept of comparing groups of objects as "less than," "equal to," or "greater than."

    Small Group Activity:

    1. Once the teacher has modeled how to interact with the "Molly's More or Less Quest," students will be able to independently demonstrate their skills of comparing groups of objects as "less than," "equal to," or "greater than."
    2. During this portion of the activity, the teacher will have students rotate in small groups to allow the teacher to assess students' skills comparing groups of objects using the academic vocabulary of "less than," "equal to," and "greater than."
    3. The interactive game will read the word problem aloud and ask which group of objects is greater than, less than, or equal to.
    4. Once questions are answered correctly, stars are earned.
    5. Students will continue through the game until student understanding is measured.
    6. In addition to assessing the math learning targets, the teacher will assess each student demonstrating his or her skills of demonstrating the use of input devices, locating letters and numbers on the keyboard, and using a variety of devices independently and/or collaboratively.  
    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Oral answers from students will be evaluated for understanding the concept of greater than, less than, and equal to.

    The teacher will be able to observe the students using input devices, locating letters and numbers on a keyboard, and using digital devices independently. 

    Variation Tips

    This activity could be completed in small groups, partner groups, or individually depending on the number of digital devices available in the classroom. 

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Teacher Preparation:

    • Internet is accessible.
    • Make sure the ABCya interactive game is loaded and working properly on the computer.

    Student Preparation:

    • Students have been introduced to the concept of greater than, less than, or equal to.
    • Students can count to 10 by ones.
    • Students understand the concept of numbers represented by objects.
    • Students can use a computer mouse (if interactive game is accessed by the individual students).

    Digital Tools / Resources