Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Nuestra América: 30 Latinas/Latinos que Han Forjado la Historia de los Estados Unidos

Subject Area

World Languages


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


This unique resource introduces intermediate low to intermediate high Spanish students to 30 different Hispanic Americans that have helped shaped the history of the United States. The provided link takes students to a digital museum where they can learn about each person through memorabilia, videos, photos, and more. Each resource is provided in the target language.  This site is the perfect place for students to start, as they prepare presentations about these influential people. With 30 people to choose from, there are enough resources for each student (or pair of students) in a class to select one. Students can use this site to start their investigations into their chosen person as they use the target language to describe the importance of influential figures from the target culture, past, and present. To meet the community standards, students could each create a poster or visible display highlighting their person's role in US history. The displays can be shared with the school or community during Hispanic Heritage month to promote the target culture.

    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Connect with other disciplines while using the target language in a variety of time frames.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • a variety of the target language specific vocabulary.
    • verb conjugations in a variety of time frames.
    • to incorporate background knowledge of target language countries, influential figures and topics from other disciplines studied in earlier levels.


    Intermediate Low Level
    Students are able to:
    • interpret simple statistics on daily life activities of their peers in the target language culture, such as schooling, freetime activities, and social media usage.
    • identify and interpret basic information from authentic sources, such as news articles, event flyers, invitations, and advertisements.
    • identify a few target language news sources and stores.
    • use the target language to learn about other disciplines.
    • use information learned in the target language in other disciplines.
    Intermediate Mid Level
    Students are able to:
    • identify and interpret basic information from authentic sources, such as news articles, event flyers, invitations, and advertisements.
    • identify a few target language news sources and stores.
    • use the target language to learn about other disciplines.
    • use information learned in the target language in other disciplines.
    • use the target language to make comparisons of similarities and differences in countries where target language is spoken.
    • use the target language to converse and present on a variety of topics and other disciplines.
    • use the target language to invesitgate and describe information learned in the target language.


    Students understand that:
    • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
    • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
    • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
    • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.
    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Explore opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom environment in a variety of time frames.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • the target language Vocabualry for specific purposes.
    • verb conjugations in a variety of tenses.
    • how to use the internet to find authentic resources.
    • how to analyze the target language in authentic resources.


    Intermediate Low Level
    Students are able to:
    • identify opportunities to connect with native speakers in the local community and through exchange, travel abroad, or online.
    • search for, identify, and navigate websites in the target langauge to explore their interests, such as news, blogs, music, and social media.
    Intermediate Mid Level
    Students are able to:
    • use the target language to find and analyze authentic materials and websites in a variety of tenses.
    • use the target language to find current events in the target culture.
    • use the target language to plan a school event to promote the target culture.


    Students understand that:
    • language connects people.
    • they can use the target langauge inside and outside of the classroom for a variety of purposes.
    • learning another language helps you to become a better global citizen.
    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Connect with other disciplines while using the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
    • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
    • background knowledge of the target culture.


    Intermediate Mid Level
    Students are able to:
    • identify and interpret basic information from authentic sources, such as news articles, event flyers, invitations, and advertisements.
    • identify a few target language news sources and stores.
    • use the target language to learn about other disciplines.
    • use information learned in the target language in other disciplines.
    • use the target language to make comparisons of similarities and differences in countries where target language is spoken.
    • use the target language to converse and present on a variety of topics and other disciplines.
    • use the target language to invesitgate and describe information learned in the target language.
    Intermediate High Level
    Students are able to:
      identify and interpret basic information from authentic sources, such as news articles, event flyers, invitations, and advertisements.
    • identify a few target language news sources and stores.
    • use the target language to learn about other disciplines.
    • use information learned in the target language in other disciplines.
    • use the target language to make comparisons of similarities and differences in countries where target language is spoken.
    • use the target language to investigate, explain, and present connections made with other disciplines.
    • use the target language to present to and interact with others for a variety of purposes in a variety of time frames and moods.
    • make oral or written presentations in the target language on topics being studied in other classes.
    • describe and compare key characteristics of countries where the target language is spoken.
    • research and compare how countries where the target language is spoken deal with current global issues (i.e., environment, economic crisis, migration, etc.).
    • research and report on contributions of the cultures that use the target language to science, medicine, and government.


    Students understand that:
    • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
    • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
    • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
    • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.
    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Explore opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom environment in a variety of time frames and moods.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
    • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
    • how to navigate digital resources in the target language.
    • cultural products, practices and perspectives related to events.


    Intermediate Mid Level
    Students are able to:
    • use the target language to find and analyze authentic materials and websites in a variety of tenses.
    • use the target language to find current events in the target culture.
    • use the target language to plan a school event to promote the target culture.
    Intermediate High Level
    Students are able to:
    • interpret authentic materials.
    • use digital tools in the target language to search for materials.
    • identify and plan authentic experiences involving the target language and culture.
    • consult various sources in the language to obtain information on topics of personal interest.
    • exchange information around topics of personal interest.
    • use various media from the language and culture for entertainment.
    • attend or use media to view cultural events and social activities.


    Students understand that:
    • there are a multitude of real-world implications for target language proficiency and cultural awareness.
    • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
    • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
    • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
    • language is a tool to connect with the world.
    • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.
    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Connect with other disciplines in the target language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
    • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
    • background knowledge of the target culture.


    Intermediate High Level
    Students are able to:
    • identify and interpret basic information from authentic sources, such as news articles, event flyers, invitations, and advertisements.
    • identify a few target language news sources and stores.
    • use the target language to learn about other disciplines.
    • use information learned in the target language in other disciplines.
    • use the target language to make comparisons of similarities and differences in countries where target language is spoken.
    • use the target language to investigate, explain, and present connections made with other disciplines.
    • use the target language to present to and interact with others for a variety of purposes in a variety of time frames and moods.
    • make oral or written presentations in the target language on topics being studied in other classes.
    • describe and compare key characteristics of countries where the target language is spoken.
    • research and compare how countries where the target language is spoken deal with current global issues (i.e., environment, economic crisis, migration, etc.).
    • research and report on contributions of the cultures that use the target language to science, medicine, and government.


    Students understand that:
    • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
    • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
    • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
    • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.
    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Interact using the target language within and beyond the classroom using complex sentence structure.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
    • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
    • the cultural practices and perspectives related to communication in the target language.


    Intermediate High Level
    Students are able to:
    • use target language vocabulary and grammatical structures to communicate with target language.
    • speakers inside and outside of the classroom across a variety of contexts.
    • use target language vocabulary and verbs in a variety of tenses to simulate real world interactions in the target culture.
    • communicate with native speakers of the target language or role-play interactions.
    • communicate in the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.
    • interact with members of the local community or with contacts made electronically to hear how they use the language in their various fields of work.
    • participate in language club activities which benefit the school or community.
    • write and illustrate stories to present to others.
    • perform for a school or community celebration.


    Students understand that:
    • learning a second language will open doors for you professionally and personally.
    • using the target language to converse with the target language speakers and simulate real world interactions builds confidence for using the langauge globally.
    • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
    • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
    • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
    • language is a tool to connect with the world.
    • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.
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